This is a sample HTML file, written by hand. The equation x' + y2 = zi2 is HTML text but all of the others below are JPEG or PNG images, created by WebEq. We can try to make the equations small for use more-or-less inline like: EQUATION1.JPG or offset them as below.
   JPEG images PNG images

PNG Information

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a newer image format, which offers lossless compression (as does GIF), but is an open standard (as is JPEG). The latest generation of common browsers (Internet Explorer 4.0 or Navigator 4.04 and above) support PNGs, although there may be some glitches, e.g. with printing. For more information, see W3C's PNG Page; also, the LANL BITS article It's Time for PNG: A Graphics Format We Can Pronounce provides some useful comparisons and practical guidelines.

Creating the equations

Some of the above JPEGs were created from the WebEQ Equation Editor, some from the Wizard. Each of the PNGs was created from the wizard command line with:

   athena% webeq_wizard_command infile -bg #ffffff -imgtype png -outtype Images_Only -o outfile
where infile contained the WebTeX version of the equation shown at the bottom of this page.

The equations which appeared satisfactory when entered directly in the Editor and saved as JPEG were: 2, 3, 5, 6. The others needed work and the images shown here were created in one of these ways:

  1. From WebEQ's Editor, using modified MathML. (That is, the equation was entered in the Editor, then saved as MathML by copy-paste from Window->MathML Source or Edit->Clipboard. The MathML code was then edited in emacs to fix the problem, opened back up in the Editor, and saved as JPEG.)
  2. From WebEQ's Wizard, using WebTeX. (That is, the equation was hand-coded into WebTeX, which was then entered in Wizard and saved as JPEG.)
Illustrations of Equation Editor shortcomings

Equation Editor originalImproved versionIssues
Prime symbol placed low (can fix by making it a superscript).
Default appearance for differentials (can manually italicize from Window->Attributes).
Default scaling of integral symbol and parentheses.
Integral scaling again.

WebTeX versions of all equations

  1. $x^{\prime} + y^2 = z_i^2$   
  2. $-2\ln{|x-2|} + 3\ln{|x-3|} + C$
  3. $y = ke^{x^2/2} - 1$
  4. $\frac{dr}{dt} = \frac{1}{\pi}$
  5. $[-1/\sqrt{3},0] \cup [1/\sqrt{3},+\infty]$
  6. $\frac{\cos{x}}{2\sqrt{\sin{x}}}$ 
  7. $A = \displaystyle{ \int_0^1 \frac{\ln{(x+1)}\sqrt{x^2+2x+2}}{x+1} dx}$
  8. $\frac{1}{2}\displaystyle{\int_0^{\pi/2} \sin^2{3\theta} d\theta} = \frac{\pi}{12}$