Photo credits: Huy Le, Anne Lee, Minh Le, D. Tran
Scans & Comments: D. Tran

Slide show

vsa371 We’re flying!
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa372 This is a normal, run-of-the-mill dance. Wrong!
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa372b We should patent the guys-acting-like-girls idea. Really!
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa376 Emily is no stranger to the catwalk.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa377 Tam puts on her best pose.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa378 Betty demonstrates Girl Power.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa380b You won’t see them dressed up like this everyday.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa380 VSA girls rank with the best of them. But are they serious?
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa381 Of course not. Bring on Da Backstreet Boyz!
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa384 They’re just like the real things, except you won’t want to strangle these Boys.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa382 Huy aka AJ, or Kevin, or Billy Bob, shows off a signature Backstreet Boys move.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa385 The Backstreet Boys putting on their charms.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa386 But instead got what’s coming to them.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa388 Am I ... sexual?
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa389 How a Backstreet Boy does push-ups.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa390 I’m too sexy for my shirt.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa380c Makes everyone wish he were a kid a gain.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa391 Huy "won" some new friends...literally.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa393 The Backtable Boys?
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa393b Maybe we should leave the kids home next time, eh Betty?
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa394 More clowning around.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa395 When (if) I grow up, I want to be just like him.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa396 We’re like sisters.
(Tet Fair 99)
vsa414 Nice a’o da`i, David.
(International Fair 99)
vsa416 The composer Tram Tu Thieng.
(Tuoi Tre va Que Huong night, 4/99)
vsa418 Emily with Toan on piano.
(Tuoi Tre va Que Huong night, 4/99)
vsa419 Thuy Hang, accompanied by Toan.
(Tuoi Tre va Que Huong night, 4/99)
vsa421 Group shot.
(Tuoi Tre va Que Huong night, 4/99)
vsa449 Farewell shot.
(Senior Dinner 99)

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