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The Shakespeare Encyclopedia [Five Volumes] Life, Works, World, and Legacy
Edited by Patricia Parker
Book Code: GR3639
ISBN: 0-313-33639-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-313-33639-3
2280 pages, photos
Greenwood Press
Publication: 12/30/2009
List Price: $495.00 (UK Sterling Price: £341.95)
Media Type: Hardcover
Trim Size: 8 1/2 x 11
Description: The world's greatest playwright is as alive today as he was 400 years ago. His works reflect the political and domestic concerns of contemporary society and are read widely by students, adapted into lavish films, and staged in stunning new productions each year. His words have become commonplaces of the English language and continue to shape our view of the world. And while his works teach us much about ourselves, they also illuminate the world of the Elizabethan and Jacobean England in which he lived and worked. The most exhaustive and authoritative work of its kind, this fully illustrated encyclopedia draws upon the expertise of a distinguished editor, internationally renowned advisory and editorial board, and hundreds of stellar contributors to chronicle Shakespeare's life, works, world, and legacy. Nearly 4,000 alphabetically arranged entries cover individual works, important actors, leading thinkers and theorists, influential modern adaptations, and numerous historical, social, political, cultural, and intellectual topics, such as Catholicism, costumes and clothing, jazz, lesbianism, madness, science, Shakespeare in the Arab world, and Shakespeare online. The entries, ranging from 50 to 5,000 words, cite works for further reading, and the encyclopedia closes with appendices listing DVDs, fiction, and children's and young adult literature; an extensive bibliography of print and electronic resources for student research; and a comprehensive index.

Most entries cite works for further reading, and the encyclopedia closes with appendices featuring lists of videos and DVDs of productions; lists of children's and young adult literature and fiction tied to Shakespeare or his works; and an extensive bibliography of print and electronic resources. A topically arranged list of entries will also help users find subjects of interest. Students exploring literature, drama, and language arts will value this encyclopedia for its extensive and intensive exploration of Shakespeare's poems and plays, while students of history, social studies, art, music, opera, dance, and popular culture will appreciate its use of Shakespeare to examine social, political, cultural, and intellectual issues.
Title Features:
  • Nearly 4,000 alphabetically arranged entries discuss Shakespeare's life, works, and legacy
  • A distinguished editor, internationally renowned advisory and editorial board, and expert contributors such as Catherine Belsey, David Bevington, Samuel Crowl, Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Phyllis Rackin, James Shapiro, Robert Weimann, and Stanley Wells make this the most authoritative work on Shakespeare available today
  • Extensive illustrations help students visualize Shakespeare's world and productions of his plays
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