The Shakespearean International Yearbook
General Editors: Tom Bishop, University of Auckland, New
Zealand and Alexander C.Y. Huang, The George Washington University
and MIT, USA
Editor Emeritus: Graham Bradshaw, Professor Emeritus, Chuo
University, Japan

'In the crowded field of Shakespeare studies The
Shakespearean International Yearbook stands out for its
distinguished contributions. The range of contributing scholars is
worldwide. The members of the editorial board are leaders in their
profession. The focus on methodologies and controversies, and on
timely topics such as "The Globe, old and new", provides a forum
for careful and up-to-date discussions of central
David Bevington, Phyllis Fay Horton Professor in the
Humanities, University of Chicago
The Shakespearean International Yearbook surveys the
present state of Shakespeare studies, addressing issues that are
fundamental to our interpretive encounter with Shakespeare's work
and his time, across the whole spectrum of his literary output.
Contributions are solicited from among the most active and
insightful scholars in the field, from both hemispheres of the
globe. New trends are evaluated from the point of view of
established scholarship, and emerging work in the field encouraged,
to present a view of what is happening all around the world. Each
issue includes a special section under the guidance of a specialist
Guest Editor, as well as a production diary or record of a notable
Shakespeare performance.
An essential reference tool for scholars of early modern
literature and culture, this annual captures, from year to year,
current and developing thought in Shakespeare scholarship and
theater practice worldwide.
Submission guidelines
We are currently considering proposals for essays for upcoming
volumes of The Shakespearean International Yearbook.
Contributions from scholars and theatre practitioners outside the
Anglo-American sphere are especially solicited.
Proposals should take the form of a preliminary letter of
inquiry, briefly describing the proposed essay. Please be sure to
include an estimate of length (in words, rather than in pages), and
an estimate of the number and type of illustrations to be included,
if any.
Please send copies of your proposal to the editors of The
Shakespearean International Yearbook at
Download the Endnotes
and Bibliography Stylesheet for The Shakespearean International
Yearbook in PDF format.
Series advisory board:
Supriya Chaudhuri, Jadavpur Universisty, Kolkata, India
Natasha Distiller, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Republic of
South Africa
Jacek Fabiszak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
Atsuhiko Hirota, Univisity of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
Ton Hoenselaars, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Peter Holbrook, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Jean Howard, Columbia University, New York City, USA
Ania Loomba, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Kate McLuskie, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Alfredo Modenessi, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
City, México
Ruth Morse, Université Paris VII, Paris, France
Bill Worthen, Barnard College, New York City, USA