Our primary method for feedback is through the e-mail address advise-feedback@mit.edu. A dedicated team of activists will read all mail sent to this list, forward it to the appropriate team or all SAC members, and respond to your questions as requested. We will be bugging SAC members to explain their reasoning if you ask us questions we can't answer on our own.
If you would like others to be able to comment on your comments, send mail to housing-talk@mit.edu. Many interested members of the MIT community are on this list, and engage in active discussion about everything from the abstract ideals of the perfect residence system down to the nitty-gritty of the lastest reform proposal. We will be monitoring traffic on this list with the same diligence as our dedicated address. RSSC is also monitoring this list for thoughtful feedback. If you would like to participate in the larger discussion, see the last question in our FAQ for instructions on how to join this and other relevant lists. You may also choose to read housing-talk (formerly two separate lists, ilg-talk and dorm-talk) through its web-based archive interface.
We will be posting answers to important questions from the community to this web site and/or housing-talk, as appropriate.