One | Introduction
- Motivation
- Methodology
- Limitations and Recommendations for Future Study
Two | Executive Summary
Three | Objectives of the Residential System
- Why Have These Objectives Been Created?
- What Are the Objectives?
- What Makes These Objectives Valuable to MIT?
- How Do These Objectives Interact with Each Other?
- How Do the Objectives Relate to the Design?
Four | Community Interaction and Student Support
- Faculty-Student Interaction
- Student Support and Development
- Community Events
- System Coordination (TBD)
- Staffing and Budget (TBD)
Five | Capital Expenditures
- Principles for Capital Expenditures
- Projects with Completion Dates in Summer 2001
- Projects with Completion Dates in Summer 2004
- Projects with Completion Dates in Summer 2009
- Funding for Capital Expenses
Six | Governance and Management
- Division of Responsibilities
- The Student Life Council
- System Assessment
- Performance Management
- Process Management
Seven | Orientation and Residence Selection
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- Approach to Orientation and Residence Selection Redesign
- Residence Hall and Room Selection for Freshmen
- Orientation
- Theme Houses
- Member Recruitment and Selection for Fraternities,
and Independent Living Groups
- Housing Guarantee
Eight | Transition Support for FSILGs
Nine | System Implementation
Ten | Reconciliation of Objectives and