Total Pilot Wages & Salaries and Benefits & Payroll Taxes per Pilot Employee Equivalent
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
American  $   148,114  $151,747  $170,627  $179,756  $   170,470  $175,025  $165,621  $176,081  $185,263  $186,452  $200,862  $207,245  $208,578  $200,371  $198,352
Continental  $   103,394  $123,695  $139,131  $168,220  $   174,774  $181,928  $179,697  $152,212  $215,663  $204,600  $178,055  $164,765  $164,903  $163,573  $187,454
Delta  $   164,191  $199,395  $162,410  $148,683  $   164,772  $166,975  $204,090  $227,478  $290,434  $305,559  $241,786  $210,746  $151,789  $151,805  $176,414
Northwest  $   182,253  $166,978  $156,552  $176,605  $   166,768  $165,876  $175,568  $194,557  $223,981  $234,606  $225,077  $176,024  $167,457  $159,975  $         -  
United  $   159,962  $173,444  $169,535  $164,207  $   142,134  $164,065  $191,148  $267,626  $186,083  $199,532  $163,611  $161,213  $160,425  $169,114  $184,357
US Airways  $   172,290  $195,289  $215,733  $193,730  $   191,765  $180,989  $231,355  $264,098  $247,113  $224,312  $164,239  $131,302  $151,963  $162,636  $159,089
American West  $     97,040  $102,225  $106,879  $105,497  $     92,601  $121,791  $122,291  $114,126  $123,359  $133,308  $134,654  $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -  
 --sub Network  $   155,204  $169,028  $166,960  $167,155  $   161,338  $169,327  $186,019  $207,745  $214,641  $219,479  $196,074  $179,000  $171,243  $170,766  $182,457
Southwest  $   128,546  $128,382  $133,723  $         -    $   134,959  $126,992  $128,497  $134,976  $167,686  $182,789  $196,794  $219,569  $205,164  $209,040  $213,586
jetBlue  $           -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $           -    $  25,905  $  78,126  $124,887  $130,249  $120,455  $113,812  $124,203  $137,633  $140,948  $164,264
AirTran  $           -    $         -    $         -    $  61,723  $     72,523  $  76,233  $  86,602  $  95,684  $101,721  $114,430  $111,555  $114,116  $116,841  $118,446  $123,283
Frontier  $           -    $         -    $         -    $  30,627  $     32,426  $  42,209  $115,238  $124,813  $124,057  $126,493  $112,204  $115,083  $123,788  $122,700  $108,157
Virgin America  $           -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $           -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $  86,248
 --sub LCC  $   125,934  $  95,225  $  86,823  $128,976  $     72,357  $  87,894  $101,204  $110,906  $127,886  $137,817  $149,460  $165,834  $172,119  $171,884  $180,043
Alaska  $   127,815  $130,439  $139,237  $  65,187  $     66,770  $165,791  $176,364  $198,712  $227,955  $223,297  $211,407  $192,768  $195,817  $181,722  $257,848
Hawaiian  $   110,286  $106,281  $110,400  $102,420  $2,456,399  $101,486  $131,195  $159,324  $157,866  $210,747  $216,822  $192,896  $173,544  $         -    $188,636
Allegiant  $           -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $           -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $         -    $  57,590  $  56,318  $  66,739  $  75,781
 -- sub Other  $   109,001  $106,250  $113,588  $  68,736  $     70,065  $123,444  $141,875  $158,442  $181,785  $187,954  $174,716  $162,347  $173,258  $160,559  $173,937
Total All Sectors  $   152,378  $161,829  $158,714  $158,769  $   146,110  $159,588  $175,450  $193,982  $200,711  $204,838  $186,792  $175,670  $171,512  $172,017  $183,295
Note: Delta and Northwest are assumed as a single carrier in 2009 
Pilot Cost includes: salaries and wages, benefits and pensions, payroll taxes and personnel expenses impacted by collective bargaining terms.
Data Source:  US DOT Form 41, Schedules P52 & P10.