Total ASMs Produced per Dollar of Total Pilot Compensation
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
American            107.9            104.2               90.3               86.3                84.5               75.4               71.7               70.3               76.2               86.7               89.7               91.2               90.3                89.6                86.2                86.4
Continental            131.6            123.7            114.4               93.3                92.4               93.3               93.1            113.3               88.2               96.5            109.1            121.2            120.6              119.3              108.5              114.6
Delta           86.9           76.0           92.7           96.6            95.9           83.8           74.7           66.0           54.7           59.2           84.7           98.2         129.3          121.0          105.9            93.2
Northwest           88.6           96.0           98.9           87.8            89.9           91.2           81.4           78.4           70.5           71.8           75.0           97.1         104.5          106.6            82.0               -  
United            116.5            108.1               99.6               96.4                95.3               85.2               70.0               64.5               88.3            105.2            127.1            128.4            125.4              114.5              108.1              113.6
US Airways               65.4               58.6               55.3               58.7                53.7               57.0               51.5               49.7               61.5               74.6            109.8               70.2               78.4              101.0              102.6              107.4
American West            168.9            156.5            150.3            142.7              139.6            130.5            124.4            131.4            122.4            114.9            114.9                   -                     -                       -                       -                       -  
 --sub Network           98.9           93.1           92.0           89.2            87.6           81.7           73.4           70.9           73.2           81.3           96.1         105.4         110.5          106.6            97.6            98.9
Southwest            130.8            130.4            127.1            125.5              121.7            130.3            124.7            118.8               99.7               94.4               90.3               82.7               86.2                83.6                76.9                70.6
jetBlue                   -                     -                     -                     -                       -              208.9            177.0            157.4            159.9            174.6            172.1            140.7            122.9              113.2                99.7                94.5
AirTran                   -                     -                     -              156.4              146.9            119.4            100.4            104.0            105.8            106.6            111.2            114.7            118.1              117.4              112.7              106.7
Frontier                   -                     -                     -              182.4              194.0            159.9            119.6               99.1            104.3            115.6            125.9            128.3            132.5              141.3              141.3              131.1
Virgin America                   -                     -                     -                     -                       -                     -                     -                     -                     -                     -                     -                     -                     -                       -                191.2              174.8
 --sub LCC         133.8         139.2         136.3         129.2          126.3         131.6         123.8         118.5         106.0         104.9         103.3           95.9           98.5            97.2            89.2            83.1
Alaska            115.1            109.7               96.2               90.0                86.2               81.6               73.2               71.2               66.4               67.6               77.0               85.6               86.2                94.1                70.0                83.0
Hawaiian            151.6            173.1            178.1            183.2              175.5            173.3            145.8               99.7            111.1            109.0            122.9            127.4            151.0              141.7              116.4              112.8
Allegiant                   -                     -                     -                     -                       -                     -                     -                     -                     -                     -                     -              229.6            210.6              185.0              191.5              155.6
 -- sub Other         122.5         121.0         109.3         103.0            99.7           97.5           86.5           77.3           75.6           77.5           89.7           98.2         103.4          109.3            86.3            96.0
Total All Sectors         100.8           95.6           94.3           91.5            89.9           84.8           76.8           74.4           76.3           83.7           96.8         103.3         107.7          104.8            95.2            95.1
Notes:  The full effect of each Delta's and Northwest's restructuring of financials and operations are not fully reflected in 2006.
Pilot Cost includes: salaries and wages, benefits and pensions, payroll taxes and personnel expenses impacted by collective bargaining terms.
Data Source:  US DOT Form 41, Schedules T2 & P52.