Historic Restoration of Harawi Residence
Cairo, Egypt
Anna Bardos
The Harawi residence is a private
house situated in the heart of one of Cairo's most architecturally
rich quarters, near to the Al-Azhar Mosque. The building as a
whole was built in 1731, but it also contains a large reception
room dating from the 16th century, and a later addition of a
secondary entrance from the 19th century. It was restored between
1986 and 1993 by the Mission for Safeguarding Islamic Cairo and
the architect Bernard Maury.
The Harawi residence
is known by the name of one of its last owners, Muhammad Harawi,
who occupied it in the first half of the 19th century. The building
was significantly modified at that time, but luckily the most
important rooms survived this period of modernization. The building
was acquired by the Egyptian Committee for Conservation of Monuments
of Arab Art at the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1970 a research mission was
set up called the Mission of Scientific Study of the Palaces
and Houses of Cairo of the 14th to 18th Century. This was an
initiative of the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique
(CRNS) and the French Foreign Affairs Ministry, in collaboration
with the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation. In the early 1980s
Dr. Ahmed Qadi was the head of the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation.
He instituted a new policy of restoration and safeguarding of
important buildings, which led to many projects.
In 1984, at the request of the
Egyptian Antiquities Organisation, France created the Mission
for Safeguarding Islamic Cairo with the objective of restoring
a monument. France was to provide two experts, and Egypt was
to provide the labor and materials. Architect Bernard Maury was
chosen to direct the project.
The Harawi residence was chosen
in 1985 out of six buildings in Cairo under consideration for
restoration. Criteria justifying the choice included the significant
architectural, archeological and historical value of the building,
its relatively unaltered state, and its privileged position in
the heart of the urban fabric.
Due to the knowledge acquired
of the domestic architecture of Cairo during more than 15 years
of research, the Mission of Scientific Study of the Palaces and
Houses of Cairo was able to propose a method for the restoration
and to commence work quickly.
Spaces and Uses
The mostly three-story
house consists of a number of rooms built around a main courtyard.
(Image 1) The original entrance to the building is from the south,
through a passage off the alley Zuqaq Al-Qasr (1). As in all
houses of this era, the access to the court is crooked to preserve
intimacy. The central court (9) is open to the sky and provides
access to all parts of the building. A second entrance to the
north of the court was added in the 19th century, accessed from
Zuqaq al-Ennabi, and is the one more frequently used.
The mandara (16) to the
east is, as is traditional, divided into three separate spaces.
The central space has an octagonal basin of mosaic in the floor,
with ventilation through a lantern 14 meters above. Another reception
room, the salon, (12) to the south of the central court is decorated
in two styles Cairene, with geometric patterns, and Turkish,
with floral patterns. The ceiling in this room bears the date
1731. Other rooms on the first floor include kitchens, outbuildings
and storage spaces.
The second floor is mainly occupied
by private apartments, which are accessed by one stairway to
the west. The Qa'a (35) is a beautiful traditional room,
with floral decoration and plastered walls of slate blue. The
rooms 37, 38 and 47 are similarly decorated, rooms 42 are from
the 19th century and of less interest.
Structures, Materials, Technology,
and Construction
The foundations of the
house are of quarry stones and rubble held together with earth
mortar. They are laid in trenches dug into the ground, with the
greatest depth being 1 meter and the width varying between 600
to 800 centimeters. These were found to be in fairly good condition
at the outset of the restoration work, and not too affected by
As a general rule, the ground
floor walls are faced with dressed stone, and the higher levels
are of plastered brick. The filler between the stone facings
is rubble and debris held together with a mixture of lime and
The floors are constructed in
the traditional manner of a line of joists, which hold the floor,
covered with a bed of filling material 150-200mm deep as the
setting for flagstones. Lime mortar, about 50mm deep, and stone,
also about 50mm deep, is used for the floor. The ceilings are
constructed in the same manner as the floors, but the beams are
carved and the exposed underside painted. Roofing also uses this
construction method, but the stones are thinner and are waterproofed.
A principle aim of the Harawi
house project was to save an Islamic building of Cairo and to
try to create more momentum in this direction. The restoration
of the Harawi residence is seen as a 'work-school' for the learning
of traditional skills. The completed project can be seen as a
reference tool for future projects. Throughout the duration of
the work, the Mission pursued the goal of educating the workmen.
Great progress was made in the
aim of reintroducing traditional construction methods, and in
training artisans who could then use their skills elsewhere.
The necessity of bringing in external qualified labor for more
specialized restoration work resulted in many of the unskilled
workers acquiring experience, skills, and even qualifications
The second positive result of
the project is the successful integration of the building into
the social life of the quarter, and its wide range of visitors.
The quarter has become cleaner around the Harawi residence, and
the government of Cairo has made efforts to improve the quarter
with new streetlights, resurfacing of certain buildings, and
the regular removal of household waste.
A main concern was to respect
as much as possible the materials used in the original construction,
so stone, brick and wood were used according to traditional practices.
The use of lime was reintroduced, as too often it is abandoned
in favor of cement with a detrimental effect on old buildings.
All the materials used originated locally, and were often salvaged.
To assure the same quality of stone for the floors, pieces were
acquired from old buildings being demolished. Wood was also found
in this way. Only the bricks used were of present day manufacture,
and these were covered by plaster.
It was essential that all the
work be manual, and so there were no mechanical appliances or
lifting gear on the site. Of the labor involved, 20% was specialized,
such as that for the restoration of joinery or paintings and
80% non-specialized, with 90% of all labor described as native.
In the basement, some stones
had been damaged by humidity and deteriorated through lack of
maintenance. The availability of specialized local labor and
materials meant it was possible to replace defective stones without
the wall above failing a technique that was also utilized
in other areas of Cairo.
The façade on the south
of the court showed signs of profound modification since its
original construction. Under a pointed arched door dating from
the 19th century were signs of a fanlight, and signs were found
of a large square bay window that had been blocked up and replaced
by three pointed arched windows. Also, traces of a rectangular
opening were found to the right of the door, at a high level.
When these indications were verified
by further investigation, it was decided to reinstate both windows,
and replace the door. In the process of taking out the wall filling
to reopen the bay window, pieces of a carved door were found
that had been used to block up the opening, enabling the original
18th century door to be reinstated.
The façade on the west
of the court showed two phases of construction to the left
is a carved stone doorway from the 18th century, and to the right
side are pointed arched windows from the 19th century, built
when the new north entrance was added. The older doorway was
collapsing due to aging of the mortar, so in the conservation
process it was taken apart and reassembled with new mortar, then
micro-sandblasted to restore the original color of the stone.
The newer part of this façade required serious restoration
only to the joinery.
The façade to the east
of the court required much restoration at balcony level, with
a complicated task of repairing the beams before waterproofing
under the flagstones. The salon (12) required important restoration
work to the ceiling that was carried out once the bays were reopened.
The ceiling was in very poor condition, with some beams broken.
It was strengthened by sliding metal structures into the ceiling
and the main beams. In this way they were able to avoid making
the additional structure visible.
The Qa'a above the salon
had a particularly broken up floor, and was also open to the
sky as the center of the ceiling was missing. The ceiling was
closed off by an octagonal element, recalling the lantern of
the mandara. The painted ceilings were carefully restored
and then appropriately lit.
The mandara was missing
its lantern and so this was replaced. The murals were restored,
and missing elements of joinery replaced. Also, the entrance
to the room was moved to its original position as this had been
altered at some stage.
The building's wooden screens
and balconies were waterproofed and protected by tarring. All
external brick construction was re-coated with lime plaster.
Since its inauguration the house
has been used to hold seminars, exhibitions, concerts and dinners,
in both the salon and the mandara.
1986: Work starts with the restoration
of the building's stone basements. Organizing the work, and more
significantly, the delivery of materials caused much delay, so
that the work did not resume normal speed until the start of
1987: Ongoing repair of the structure
of the building until 1991 including: repair of brickwork, vital
work on both levels in the west zone of the dwelling, reinforcement
of the floor in the Qa'a and room 37, repair and waterproofing
of the balconies to the east and south of the dwelling, restoration
of the lantern of the mandara, and restoration
of the 19th century parts of the building.
February: Study of the lighting of the building.
February: Electric cabling installed.
March: Start of lime coating, and a first test of the restoration
of woodwork, yielding inconclusive results.
November: First attempt to restore the paintings through
the CRETOA d'Avignon.
January: Trial illumination of the house, which proved encouraging.
March: The second mission to restore the painted ceilings, which
took one month.
October: Sandblasting of stone walls, which took until June 1993.
January: Final electrical installation.
April: Final internal plastering.
June: Lamps installed.
August: Final laying of flagstones.
September: Verification of last details.
September 25th 1993: Inauguration
of the house.
Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (CRNS)
French Foreign Affairs Ministry
Egyptian Antiquities Organization
Mission for the Scientific Study of the Houses and Palaces of
Mission for Safeguarding Islamic Cairo
Bernard Maury, Architect
Labor $ 177,710
Materials $ 90,361
Professional consultants $ 530,120
Other costs $ 212,350
Total cost $ 1,010,500
Cost per square meter $790
This cost per square meter is
described as average for work of this kind. Eight percent of
the total funds came from private sources, and 92% from public
sources. None of the public funding was described as from local
sources, 30% came from national sources and 60% from international.
The labor was provided by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation.
Maury, Bernard; A. Raymond; J.
Revault; M. Zakariya. Palais et Maisons du Caire II, Epoque
Ottomane, XVI-XVIII siecles. Paris: Editions du Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, 1983.
Maury, Bernard. Aga Khan Award
Project Record, 20th January, 1998.
Illustration Credits
1-8. The Harawi residence, Images
1 8: Aga Khan Award for Architecture archives, Bernard Maury.
9. Rotch Library Visual Collections, MIT, Cambridge, MA, "Plan
of Islamic Monuments, 966-1945, detail of north half, east side."
10 - 13. Maury, Bernard; A. Raymond; J. Revault; M. Zakariya. Palais
et Maisons du Caire II, Epoque Ottomane, XVI-XVIII siecles.
Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,