- Ph.D. from UCLA, June 2002.
The identification of bases in morphological paradigms
- M.A. from UCLA, December 1998.
Phonological subregularities in productive and unproductive inflectional classes: Evidence from Italian
- B.A. from Cornell University, May 1996.
(Linguistics and Religious Studies major, with Cognitive Studies minor)
(Senior Thesis in Linguistics on the history of stress in Welsh, and
the analysis of historical change in OT)

Work on bases or URs of morphological paradigms:
- [in press] (with Yoonjung Kang) Predicting innovative variants in Korean verb paradigms. Proceedings of CIL18: The 18th International Congress of Linguists. John Benjamins.
- [in press] Modeling analogy as probabilistic grammar. In Juliette Blevins, (ed.), Analogy in Grammar: Form and Acquisition. Oxford University Press.
- [submitted] A restricted model of UR discovery: Evidence from Lakhota
- [under revision] Base-driven leveling in Yiddish verb paradigms.
- [in press] Lexical and morphological conditioning of paradigm gaps. In Curt Rice (ed.), When nothing wins: Modeling ungrammaticality in OT. Equinox Publishing
- [2008] Inflectional paradigms have bases too: evidence from Yiddish. In Asaf Bachrach and Andrew Nevins (eds.) The Bases of Inflectional Identity. Oxford University Press.
- [2008] Explaining universal tendencies and language particulars in analogical change. In Jeff Good (ed.) Language Universals and Language Change. Oxford University Press.
- [2005] The morphological basis of paradigm leveling (Preprint version of paper that appears in Laura Downing, Tracy Alan Hall, Renate Raffelsiefen, eds., Paradigms in Phonological Theory . Oxford University Press )
- [2004] Sub-optimal paradigms in Yiddish. In V. Chand, A. Kelleher, A. Rodríguez, and B. Schmeiser, eds., WCCFL 23 Proceedings (Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, pp. 1-14).
- [2003] A quantitative study of
Spanish paradigm gaps. In G. Garding and M. Tsujimura, eds., WCCFL
22 Proceedings (Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, pp. 1-14).
- [2002] The
identification of bases in morphological paradigms (UCLA dissertation)
- [2002] Base selection in analogical change in Yiddish (In J. Larsen and M. Paster, eds., BLS 28, 1-13)
Inductive learning of morphological and phonological
- [in prep.] Natural classes are not enough: Biased generalization in novel onset clusters. Comments welcome!
- [in press] Feature-based generalization as a source of gradient acceptability. Phonology.
- [2008] From clusters to words: Grammatical models of nonce word acceptability. Handout of talk presented at 82nd LSA, Chicago, 3 Jan 2008.
- [in press] How many grammars am I holding up? Discovering phonological differences between word classes. WCCFL 26, Cascadilla Press.
- [2006] (with Bruce Hayes) Modeling Productivity with the Gradual Learning Algorithm: The Problem of Accidentally Exceptionless Generalizations (to appear in
Gisbert Fanselow, Caroline Féry, Matthias Schlesewsky, and Ralf Vogel (eds.), Gradience in Grammar. Oxford University Press)
- [2006] Gradient phonotactic effects: lexical? grammatical? both? neither? (LSA talk handout, Jan 7, Albuquerque)
- [2003] (with Bruce
Hayes) Learning nonlocal
environments. (Handout from 2003 LSA talk, Jan 4, Atlanta)
- [2002] (with Bruce
Hayes) Modeling
English Past Tense Intuitions with Minimal Generalization. In Maxwell,
Michael (ed) Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the ACL Special Interest
Group in Computational Phonology. Philadelphia, July 2002. ACL.
- [2002] The lexical bases
of morphological well-formedness (in Bendjaballah, Dressler,Pfeiffer
and Voeikova, Morphology 2000. Benjamins)
- [2000] (with Bruce Hayes) Distributional
encroachment and its consequences for phonological learning. In
Adam Albright and Taehong Cho (eds.), UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics
4 (Papers in Phonology 4), 179-190.
- [1999] An
Automated Learner for Phonology and Morphology: A (somewhat outdated)
introduction to the Albright and Hayes Minimal Generalization learner
Empirical tests of the Albright and Hayes Minimal
Generalization Learner
Other topics
Data sets
Scripts and software

- MIT, 24.962 Advanced Phonology, Spring 2007 (with Donca Steriade)
- MIT, 24.949/9.601 Language acquisition, Spring 2006 (with Ken Wexler)
- MIT, 24.964 Sound Change and Phonological Theory, Fall 2005 (with Flemming/Kenstowicz/Steriade)
- MIT, 24.901 Language & Its Structure I: Phonology, Fall 2005
- LSA Summer Institute, Inductive learning of rules and constraints, Summer 2005 (with Josh Tenenbaum)
- MIT, 24.964 Experimental approaches to theoretical questions in phonology, Spring 2005 (with Edward Flemming)
- MIT, 24.962 Advanced Phonology, Spring 2005 (with Donca Steriade)
- MIT, 24.964 Modeling Phonological Learning, Fall 2004
- UCSC, Ling 140 (Language Change), Spring 2004
- UCSC, Ling 160 (Language Engineering), Winter 2004
- UCSC, Ling 80V (The Structure of the English Vocabulary), Fall 2003
- UCSC, Ling 163 (Computational Morphology & Phonology), Spring 2003
- UCSC, Ling 102 (Phonology 2), Winter 2003
- UCSC, Ling 80V (The Structure of the English Vocabulary), Fall 2002