Electrolytic steelmaking as a paragon for new electrolytic processes development

Electrolytic Steelmaking : a 21st Century Challenge

    To understand why the development of electrolytic steel is occuring so lately in technology history, one must first consider the history of steelmaking and electricity.

    Iron - wrought iron initially - has been smelted for the first time around 5000 BC in Mesopotamia (Samarra, Irak) [1]. It  happened most probably by chance in a furnace commonly used to smelt copper and silver or lead. These furnaces were based on charcoal combustion, a crude, old and efficient method to obtain high temperature and reductive atmosphere.  It could have happened thanks to an iron oxide-rich gangue that came with copper. Carbon reacts with the oxide ions of the iron oxide to form carbon monoxide or dioxide, leaving behind a solid iron product entrapped in gangue (silica, alumina).
Such crude description reveals one scientific truth: iron is relatively easy to extract from it oxides. Indeed, carbothermic reduction is an easy method to implement, notably thanks to the abundance of carbon (charcoal, coal, natural gas) as a powerful reducing agent. The exothermic properties of its combustion provides heat to reach high temperatures, and its alloying lead to a material with exceptional mechanical properties (its alloying also lowers the melting point of the product, leading to a liquid product). Unfortunately, one of the difficulty faced by steelmakers after this smelting operation is the nature and amount of elements (carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon...) alloyed with iron, which lead to the development of steelmaking per se [2,3]. The technology has moved from breakthrough to breakthrough in 2000 years, but the fundamental carbothermic principle remained unchanged.
    The abundance of carbon-containing raw materials and the development of pyrometallurgical techniques has therefore lead to a cheap and efficient carbothermic method to produce steel.

    In parallel to this inexpensive and easy technique revolutionary development, the discovery of electricity as an energy vector is late, too late probably. This naturally hindered the electrolysis technique development.
Considering scientific developments since electrolysis discovery in early 19th century [4], one must also realize that there is a scientific challenge for its application to iron. Indeed, as chromium, manganese, vanadium or titanium [5], iron is stable in two valence state in atmospheric conditions (20% oxygen), +II or +III. The electrolysis of mixed valency ions is difficult because electron transfer can occur in any direction depending on the electrode considered: Fe3+ can be reduced to Fe2+ on the cathode, which can then reach the anode to be oxydized back to Fe3+. Such cycling induces an unacceptable diminution of the process selectivity. The method commonly adopted to avoid this  is the use of a separator which represent an extra barrier for current flow (ohmic drop), significantly increasing the energy needs of the process. This physical reality explains why, until the most recent developments, electrolysis production of iron has not been successfully developed.

    With the acknowledgment of environmental impacts of human activities, and more particularly industries, new paradigms are expected to emerge. One of the environmental concerns, GHG emissions, particularly affects the steel industries which rely on carbon as reducing agent and energy vector. The situation of this industry in developed countries is indeed paradoxical: it has reduced by 20% its energy consumptions and 40% its GHG emissions in the last 40 years, and still emits more than 1.75 metric tonnes of CO2 per tonne of steel. Experts in this field estimate that the technique has reached a physical and thermodynamical limit in terms of energy consumption. This industry is however expected to cope with more drastic regulations in terms of GHG emissions. This situation explains the steel industry need and interest in breakthrough technologies [6].
    Any electrochemist must stress that the reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the last 40 years is partly related to the widespread use of elecricity in Electric Arc Furnace operations based on recycled steel. Most economical scenarios for 2020 and beyond underlines that the cost of raw materials and fossil fuels is expected to increase drastically, while electricity will become less carbon-intensive and relatively more affordable [7,8].

    The development of electrolysis for steelmaking is therefore considered as a possible alternative, specially since other metals are already industrially produced thanks to this technique (24 Mt for aluminum, 30 Mt for copper refined and extracted, 10Mt for nickel).

[1] J.C. Waldbaum, in The Coming of the Iron Age, T. A. Wertim and J. D. Muhly Editors, Yale University Press, NewHaven & London,1980

[2] e.g. see Professor Joseph S. Spoerl from St Anselm (NH, USA), Brief Story of Steelmaking here.

[3] D.A. Fisher. The Epic of Steel, Harper and Row, New York, 1963

[4] A common date for the beginning of the electrochemical science is 1800, when Count Alessandro Volta discovered the battery. He indeed provided the first readily available source of electricity for physicists and chemists. e.g. see the work from Pavia University (Italy) on Volta's influence on physics.

[5] C.L.Mantell, Electrochemical Engineering,  McGraw and Hill, New York, 1960

[6] J-P. Birat, F. Hanrot and G. Danloy,
CO2 Mitigation Technologies in the Steel Industry: A Benchmarking Study Based on Process Calculations, Stahl und Eisen, vol. 123, n°3, 2003 (available here)

[7] see International Energy Agency/OECD, Energy Technology Perspectives, (2010)

[8] C. Rynikiewicz, The Climate Change Challenge and Transitions for Radical Changes in the European Steel Industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 16,  p781, 2008
