E-mail: alya at mit dot edu
Current Employment: Technical Staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Areas of focus: Natural language processing, crowdsourcing.
Research interests: Syntax, syntax-morphology and syntax-semantics interfaces, fieldwork, computational linguistics. Languages: Uyghur, Russian.
Presuppositional Indefinites are Positive Polarity Items. 2011. Presented at WCCFL 29.
Uyghur Genitive Subjects and the Phase Impenetrability Condition (with Jeremy Hartman). 2011. Presented at CUNY Syntax Supper. (updated and expanded version of our WAFL VII talk)
Neutrality vs. Ambiguity in Resolution by Syncretism: Experimental Evidence and Consequences. 2010. Presented at NELS 41.
Genitive Subject Licensing in Uyghur Subordinate Clauses (with Jeremy Hartman). 2010. Presented at WAFL VII.
Case and the Interpretation of Indefinites in Uyghur. 2010. Presented at WAFL VII and the 15th ICTL.
Gender and Adjective Agreement in Russian. 2009. Presented at SLS 4.
Optativity in English and Other Languages (with Kirill Shklovsky). 2008. MIT Ling Lunch.
Presuppositional Indefinites are Positive Polarity Items. 2011. In the proceedings of WCCFL 29.
Genitive Subject Licensing in Uyghur Subordinate Clauses (with Jeremy Hartman). 2011. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL7). There is also a more recent manuscript version (comments welcome!).
Neutrality vs. Ambiguity in Resolution by Syncretism: Experimental Evidence and Consequences. 2011. Draft, to appear in the proceedings of NELS 41. There is also an expanded version, which includes sections that were cut from the proceedings paper due to page limitations.
English Partitives and Double Genitives. 2009. Squib for Topics in Syntax & Semantics (24.979).
Gender and Adjectives in Numeral Constructions in Russian. 2008. Squib for Morphology (24.965).
The Subjunctive and Tense in Russian. 2006. Squib for Advanced Semantics (24.973).
Russian Binding Theory: Two Improved Movement Approaches. 2005.
Syntax and Semantics of Tagalog Modals (with Anna Holt). 2005. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference
of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA).
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