Essay #2: Suggested length: 6 pg., double-spaced. First Version: Please submit with cover letter reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the piece. Revision: also include the marked-up first version (with my comments) and a revision cover letter.
ASSIGNMENT: Through the lens of experience, explore an issue or theme of interest to a public readership. The experience(s) can be yours and/or that of someone else.
Note: This section of the course focuses on educational and work experiences. In the light of that focus, you may decide on a theme related to education or work for this essay. However, you are free to choose any theme of interest.
As you craft the essay, think carefully about:
- the ways in which writing voice helps to establish your perspective
- options in narrative (first person, third person)
--using or including forms such as diary/journal or letter or hybrid forms
-- setting(s) as establishing a context for your essay
-developing character and using dialogue
-(if relevant) working within multiple time frames
-using figurative language (metaphor, simile) when appropriate
– providing a clear sense of the larger meaning of your piece while avoiding didacticism or “preachiness.”
In this assignment, by the revision, you should include least two secondary sources. As a writer, you can integrate these sources (mention or quote) in one or all of these ways:
(a) to help provide background or context
(b) as support or clarification of your point of view
(c) as counterargument to your perspective.
Be sure to cite your sources and include a “Works Consulted” page at the end of the essay.