Vice President and Secretary of the Corporation
The Vice President and Secretary of the Corporation is responsible for relations and communications with internal and external constituencies and is the key interface between MIT's administration and trustees (the members of the MIT Corporation). The offices reporting to the Vice President and Secretary of the Corporation--working independently but collaboratively--comprise Public Relations Services: the Communications Office; Conference Services, Events, and Information Center; the News Office; the Publishing Services Bureau; and Web Communications Services. In addition, the Office of the Secretary of the Corporation supports the work of the Corporation and its committees.
Public Relations Services
The offices within Public Relations Services (PRS) support the mission of the Institute by enhancing public understanding of MIT and of higher education and research more generally and by supporting the community life of the Institute through communications and special events.
This year, high-profile projects drew on the talents and dedication of staff from many areas of PRS. The launch of MIT OpenCourseWare, for example, depended crucially on the skills of the News Office, Publishing Services Bureau (PSB), and Web Communications Services (WCS). As detailed in their individual reports, the three teams housed in Building E28--the Communications Office, PSB, and WCS--continue to deepen their creative collaborations.
Community continues to be an important theme for offices across PRS. That focus was recognized and strengthened in March of 2001, when the Community Services Office (formerly the Office of Special Community Services) transferred administrative reporting lines from the Campus Activities Complex to PRS. The Office, under the leadership of Ted E. Johnson, now reports to the Director of Conference Services, Events, and the Information Center. Staff from throughout PRS contributed to the Odyssey Ball during Spring Weekend, which brought together faculty, students, and staff for a special evening of music and fun.
As part of ongoing initiatives to strengthen strategic institutional communications, Patricia E. ("Patti") Richards was appointed Senior Communications Officer within PRS--a new position reporting to the Vice President and Secretary of the Corporation and to the Director of the News Office.
The monthly meetings of the Communications Operating Group and the Information Group, both convened by the Vice President and Secretary of the Corporation, continue to provide ongoing opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information on issues regarding communications and public relations.
As the academic year came to an end, the Institute's new Rewards and Recognition Program offered an opportunity to recognize the outstanding professionalism and dedication of PRS staff. Among those selected to receive Infinite Mile awards by their colleagues in the Offices of the President, Chairman, and Executive Vice President were Diane Betz Tavitian of the Community Services Office, cited for her contributions to building community at MIT, and Elizabeth Thomson of the News Office, cited for collaborative work, particularly in bringing together editors and writers from across the Institute.
Communications Office
The Communications Office publishes and distributes official reference information on MIT's educational, research, and administrative policies and programs in print and electronic versions. The Office strives to produce reference publications that serve consistently as benchmarks within the MIT community and model the best practice, and collaborates with PSB and WCS to support communications and publishing initiatives at MIT.
Many of the year's major accomplishments concerned the Institute's official reference publications. Among the changes to MIT's course catalogues were the publication of the MIT Bulletin with a cover design by Professor John Maeda, the first in the series of covers that will explore numbers series; the online publication of a preliminary version of graduate degree charts, listing degrees and fields; and initial steps in creating a content template for departmental descriptions in preparation for moving towards a database-driven system. The Office turned mail order business over to The MIT Press, offering customers credit card transactions. The Office launched a very successful new web site devoted to MIT organization charts; these pages set criteria for inclusion of information in a variety of other campus publications. Working to develop a better working relationship with authors of the annual Reports to the President, the Office collaborated with the Institute Archives to refine the content template. In conjunction with Information Systems (I/S), the Office redesigned the "how to use" information in faculty and staff and student directories, conducted usability testing on the new design, and will integrate the results in the 2001-2002 directories.
This year, the director devoted three-quarters of her time to implementing the communications strategy for graduate education at MIT. The focus of this work has been an analysis of customers, the development of a coherent and consistent message strategy for internal and external audiences, and the prioritizing of business objectives. To support this commitment, Dean for Graduate Students Isaac M. Colbert provided support for additional staffing within the Communications Office.
Looking ahead, the office plans to refine its web site, migrate to a new, more flexible publishing software platform, and redesign the catalogue's page template. The office expects to continue to consult with PSB and WCS to refine goals and objectives for the Institute's key reference publications on an ongoing basis.
The presence this year of a four-person team helped broaden the scope of the office. Lori A. Weldon received a well-deserved promotion and was named Web Publications Manager. Jennifer L. Fletcher served on the PRS Rewards and Recognition committee and contributed a web site to their communications efforts, in addition to her work in shaping the business relationship with PSB's broker. In her temporary role, Diana D. Hughes has supported the office's publishing work with extraordinary flexibility and good humor.
More information on the Communications Office can be found online at
Conference Services, Events and Information Center
The mission of the center is to meet the information needs of the MIT community, visitors to the campus, and the public; to promote a sense of community within MIT; and to support conferences and events which enhance MIT's role in the broader academic community.
Events and Information Center
The center took on a new look this year as the first stage in the restoration and enhancement of the Rogers Lobby (Lobby 7) was completed. The newly designed space within the Information Center is contemporary in appearance and far more functional, for the staff as well as the thousands of visitors who come to MIT.
As noted, the center continued to serve as an information and welcome point for visitors, as well as a central information source for members of the MIT community. Staff in the center distributed over 37,000 pamphlets, brochures, maps, guides and catalogues; answered and directed to other offices thousands of telephone and in-person inquiries; and served as a clearinghouse for mail addressed simply to MIT. Head guide for the campus tours was Melissa Edoh (Class of 2002). Terri Priest Nash trained 36 guides who conducted tours for 16,266 visitors, of whom 6,933 were prospective students, and 1,683 were international visitors. She also arranged short-term visits that brought an additional 1,061 guests to campus.
The director assisted with the logistics of the Odyssey Ball in April, a gathering of more than 1,500 students, faculty, and staff beneath a tent on Kresge Oval. Donald Ferland, Assistant to the Director, handled the arrangements for 300 recruitment presentations by companies and other organizations that visit MIT under the auspices of the Office of Career Services and Preprofessional Advising.
Commencement activities began with the Hooding Ceremony for 400 doctoral degree recipients, held in the Johnson Athletics Center on Thursday, 7 June. Chancellor Lawrence Bacow presided over this year's ceremony. The 134th Commencement Exercises were held on Friday, 8 June, and featured a well-received address by Daniel S. Goldin, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Conference Services
The Conference Services staff, led by Cathi Di Iulio Levine, manages the logistical arrangements for conferences and meetings sponsored by MIT faculty and staff. This past year, the office coordinated 42 events that brought more than 11,000 guests to campus. These events included the 25th Anniversary celebration for the Minority Introduction to Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Science program; the NanoTechnology Conference; the Diesta Symposium; the 50th Anniversary of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; the Gender Equity in Academia meeting; the ILP Research Directors Annual Symposium; the Image and Meaning Conference; and Healthcare East and West.
Community Services
The Community Services Office, formerly known as the Office of Special Community Services, provides a range of important community programs, services, and volunteer opportunities to all segments of the MIT community.
The MIT Activities Committee (MITAC), with assistance and leadership from the Lincoln Laboratory Co-Convener, Karen D. Shaw and the campus Co-Convener, Regina Dugan, organized more than 126 special events for approximately 6,382 participants and sold more than 10,600 discounted tickets for cultural and recreational events to the MIT community. This represented an annual increase of nearly 2,000 participants in special events, and an increase of 50 percent in customer sales. New MITAC members this year were Mary Ann Mroz, Gayle C. Willman, and Diane R. Monahan. Frank J. Stankevicius stepped down from the committee.
The Association of MIT Retirees now boasts a paid membership of nearly 700. The Association mourned the passing of its co-founder and co-chair, Dorothy L. ("Dotty") Bowe, who succumbed to cancer on February 9, 2001. This year there were three successful over-night trips, as well as local activities. During this year, Walter L. Milne was named honorary chair. E. Jane Griffin and Joanne Miller became co-coordinators, and Sally Hansen became director of the volunteer program. The retirees are grateful for the part-time help provided by graduate intern Valerie Ristas.
Personnel changes included the retirement of Elizabeth K. Mulcahy, Administrator of Community Services, at which time Ted E. Johnson assumed the role of Associate Director of the Information Center and Director of Community Services. Betty Jo Bolivar succeeded Pamela J. Caliskan as part-time Administrative Assistant for the MITAC program.
News Office
The mission of the News Office is to achieve the highest level of public interest in MIT, to publish news of interest to the MIT community and the public in a timely fashion, to monitor internal and external developments that might bring favorable or unfavorable public attention, and to be a spokesperson for MIT to the media.
The News Office finds and chronicles newsworthy stories and images about MIT and its people, assists reporters to develop their own stories, and publishes news releases as well as the MIT News web site, MIT Tech Talk, MIT Research Digest, and MIT E-News.
The past year saw accomplishments in many facets of the office's work:
Following intensive discussions at two staff retreats, the Office has worked to devote more attention to the vast audience provided by the web, to provide more planning for strategic communications initiatives of the President and the individual schools and departments of MIT, and to increase collaboration with other communication offices at the Institute.
The office has implemented a policy of publishing news of significance to the MIT community on the web in advance of the print edition of Tech Talk. (News releases have been issued on the web since 1994.)
The office launched MIT E-News, a monthly electronic mail and web publication designed to keep alumni, parents, and others abreast of MIT news. A test launch in September of 2000 was followed by regular publication in December, under the editorship of Lisa Damtoft. The service, which currently has 900 subscribers, has been adapted by other MIT offices for their own constituencies.
With design services from PSB, the office developed and distributed a new brochure describing what it can do for faculty and researchers.
In March of 2001, the office moved from its long-time home on the first floor of Building 5 to handsome new space on the fourth floor of Building 11.
Much of the office's activity focused on key initiatives in teaching and research. The office worked to coordinate the announcement of MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) on the front page of The New York Times -a spectacular launch for this path-breaking project to make MIT course materials freely available on the web. Over the succeeding months, OCW has continued to generate favorable comment. The Voting Technology Project, undertaken in collaboration with the California Institute of Technology, received great attention when it was announced in a coast-to-coast joint press conference utilizing new technology.
The office also worked to publicize the notable achievements of the Institute and its people. Working Mother magazine named MIT one of the nation's best employers for working mothers, following a nomination process in which the News Office collaborated with the Family Resource Center. Outstanding MIT accomplishments in science and engineering included the completion of the mapping of the human genome at the Whitehead Institute, the identification of genes responsible for the metastasis of cancer tumors, the use of radar technology to treat breast cancer, and the discoveries that animals have complex dreams and that seeing and imaging are the same to the brain.
The Institute's leading role in the university community was highlighted by a university presidents' conference on gender equity issues convened by President Charles M. Vest and by a symposium to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. President Vest received the Arthur M. Bueche Award for statesmanship in science from the National Academy of Engineering.
Keeping the community and the outside world abreast of changes within MIT, the office covered transitions in the senior leadership, including the announcement that Chancellor Lawrence S. Bacow would assume the presidency of Tufts University in the fall of 2001, to be succeeded by Associate Provost Phillip L. Clay as Chancellor. Announcement was also made of the selection of Alice P. Gast of Stanford University as MIT's next Vice President for Research, effective in the fall of 2001. During the year, Professor Nancy H. Hopkins joined the Institute's Academic Council in her role as co-chair of a new Council on Faculty Diversity. Student milestones included the award of Rhodes and Marshall scholarships and the first undergraduate exchanges under the Cambridge-MIT Institute. Notable alumni/ae achievements included the appointment of Lawrence H. Summers (Class of 1975) as President of Harvard University.
During the year, Myles P. Crowley was promoted to Operations and Financial Administrator and Lisa Damtoft was promoted to Web Developer and Editor. Denise Brehm was promoted to Editor/Writer III and Associate Editor of Tech Talk; she served as acting editor during Alice Waugh's maternity leave. Meghan Dufresne joined the Office as a senior editorial assistant.
More information on the News Office can be found online at
Publishing Services Bureau
The mission of the Publishing Services Bureau is to act as a coordinated channel for publishing activities across the Institute, applying the principles of strategic planning, technological awareness, supplier consolidation, vendor partnership, cost savings, excellence in design and editorial content, continuous learning, and customer satisfaction.
PSB continues its productive partnership with Web Communications Services. PSB/WCS coordinated over 900 jobs, from publication planning and vendor selection to design, production, and printing. Approximately $1.2 million was processed in print in fiscal year 2001, with an additional $2.1 million channeled directly to MIT/PSB interim print partners; $856,000 in creative services, of which nearly $359,000 was for web site design, was managed through PSB and WCS joint partnership.
Throughout the year, PSB worked with 17 preferred print partners, testing supplier consolidation assumptions and modeling best practice behaviors. Grid pricing was established for the production of letterhead and envelopes. PSB and WCS have also developed partnerships with over 20 print and web design groups. The PSB procurement staff processed, facilitated, and advised on the issuance of purchase orders and contracts for $54 million in creative, print, and web services on behalf of MIT publishers.
Much of PSB's work is essentially collaborative in nature. The partnership with WCS provides "one-stop shopping" for MIT customers for coordinated print and web design and implementation. PSB has coordinated over 43 electronic publishing projects with WCS and continues to collaborate on the main MIT home page. One project of special note this year was the development of the prototype website for MIT OpenCourseWare. Ongoing projects with the Communications Office include the development of communication strategies for the Graduate Students Office and of learning opportunities for staff. In partnership with Mail Services, PSB has developed a series of templates for business reply mail that will be made available to the MIT community, offering savings in print and design costs and ensuring compliance with postal regulations.
PSB continued developing a graphic identity system for the Institute that will reflect MIT's mission and values as well as facilitate the operational handling of communications. This system will be implemented through incentives rather than mandates. A business plan for the graphic identity and a phase I design proposal for an MIT letterform logo were presented to a number of Institute constituencies for feedback. PSB collaborated with several MIT departments and offices to develop test templates for business papers. PSB continues to take on projects to design publications that will help establish equity in an identity system; clients for this project have included the Communications Office, the MIT Museum, and the News Office.
As part of the new identity system and in support of MIT's environmental initiatives, PSB investigated and designed a new and more environmentally friendly MIT watermarked bond for Institute business papers. The bond is now available in two new colors, white and natural white, and will be distributed through the Office Depot ECAT, as well as through Copy Technology Centers and PSB preferred print vendors.
Going forward, PSB remains committed to the promotion of good publishing practices and will continue to evaluate and monitor partnerships with print, design, and creative vendors. Initiatives to promote community understanding include the development of a revised web site with additional tools for Institute publishers. PSB plans to develop an on-line catalog system that will be supported by the MIT graphic identity system and will also develop an image archive, in partnership with the News Office and other Institute offices including the Archives, I/S, and the Libraries.
Print/design broker Kelly Powell left PSB in the fall of 2000; in the early spring, the office bid farewell to Ayoka Drake, senior staff assistant, and to new-media designer Christopher J. Reese. Promotions were awarded to Minerva Tirado, procurement staff member, and to Bara Blender, publishing design consultant. Both have exemplified PSB values of innovative thinking and superb customer service.
More information on PSB can be found online at
Web Communications Services
Web Communications Services publishes the official MIT web site,, and provides strategic consulting to MIT clients on the use of the web for communications and work processes, as well as harnessing emerging information technologies that foster organizational change within MIT. WCS continues its successful partnerships with the Publishing Services Bureau and the News Office to meet the web communications needs of MIT organizations and Institute-wide initiatives.
Together, WCS and PSB provided seamless support for MIT customers in the area of communications planning and coordinated web and print projects. In the past year, WCS and PSB jointly managed nearly $359,000 in website design contracts and developed partnerships with over 20 print and web design groups. WCS assisted MIT clients with approximately 600 web sites, with solutions ranging from planning to design, production, troubleshooting and maintenance. The team answered one-third more customer requests this year than last year-5,000 general questions about MIT and an additional 3,000 requests for web help from the MIT community. Web communications questions involve clients' business practices and organizational structure, and WCS assisted in writing job descriptions and the hiring process for web-related positions for various clients at MIT.
One highlight of the year was the development by PSB and WCS of the prototype web site for the MIT OpenCourseWare initiative. The successful development of the prototype showed sponsors the functionality and personality of the OCW program. The site illustrated how diverse course content could be integrated into a cohesive whole with a consistent treatment and recognizable brand identity.
The official MIT web site,, is MIT's "front door" on the Internet, providing access to approximately one million pages. This year, the page spotlighted 269 changing headlines; the changing graphics continue to receive praise from viewers around the world. In collaboration with PSB, WCS is redesigning the MIT home page to enhance its delivery of strategic Institute messages and to make it easier for the viewer to find information.
WCS engages in broad outreach and training efforts, organizing monthly meetings of the MIT Web Publishers group and providing additional classes on specialized topics. WCS also defines guidelines for effective use of the web at MIT, including usability, graphics, and accessibility guidelines. WCS continually works to expand the depth and breadth of web-based services at MIT; projects in the past year included defining MIT's position on e-commerce and advertising on the MIT web site. The MIT Press published The MIT Guide to Teaching Web Site Design, by Suzana Lisanti and Deborah A. Levinson of WCS and Edward C. Barrett, Senior Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies.
In the coming year, WCS will continue to enhance the quality of its services, of the MIT web site, and of its communication with the MIT community. Specific projects include the ongoing redesign of the official MIT web site; publication on the home page of feature stories accompanied by compelling graphics; work with the News Office to provide a seamless interface between the MIT home page and the News Office web site; and support for initiatives sponsored by the Council on Educational Technology.
During 2000-2001, Jagruti S. ("Jag") Patel accepted a senior project management position within I/S, and Deborah Levinson left MIT. WCS welcomed new staff members Timothy Griffin, who transferred from the I/S Help Desk, and Christopher G. Sherrill.
More information on WCS can be found online at
Office of the Secretary of the Corporation
The Secretary of the Corporation is one of the Institute's four corporate officers, with responsibility for administering the operations of the Corporation, MIT's board of trustees, including membership and standing committees, and, through the Office of the Secretary of the Corporation, quarterly meetings of the board, and 30 Corporation visiting committees that conduct biennial reviews of the Institute's academic and research programs. The Secretary also serves as secretary of the Executive and Membership Committees, Recording Officer of the Corporation, and as joint signatory with the President in the awarding of academic degrees.
Corporation Meetings
Orientation Program and Annual Meeting
On October 5, 2000, an orientation program was held for new members of the Corporation. In the evening, new members and their spouses and guests were joined by members of the Executive, Membership, and Auditing Committees for a reception and dinner.
At the annual meeting on October 6, 2000, new members were introduced. The Corporation approved the action of the President in the awarding of September degrees, and, as part of the report of the Membership Committee, voted to approve the list of nominated members of the visiting committees and five new visiting committee chairs. Members heard reports from the President, the Treasurer, and the Vice President for Resource Development, and from the chairs of the Auditing Committee and four visiting committees: Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation; Linguistics and Philosophy; Mechanical Engineering; and the Sloan School of Management. A detailed discussion of the Institute's long-range financial plan was led by the President and by Life Member James A. Champy, a member of the Executive Committee. Following the Corporation events, a number of Corporation members participated in the weekend celebratory festivities of the fiftieth anniversary of the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.
December Meeting
At the meeting on December 1, 2000, the Corporation heard reports from the President and the chairs of the Membership Committee and visiting committees for the Departments of Architecture, Chemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Physics. At the conclusion of the meeting, Corporation members and their guests attended the Corporation luncheon and a festive ground-breaking ceremony for Simmons Hall, the new undergraduate residence, named in honor of Life Member Richard P. Simmons, and his wife Dorothy, for their generous contributions to the improvement of student life at MIT.
March Meeting
At the quarterly meeting on March 2, 2001, memorial Resolutions were read on the death of Life Member Emeritus Richard L. Terrell. The Corporation also heard Remarks on the transfer of Angus N. MacDonald and Kenneth H. Olsen to Life Member Emeritus and approved the action of the President in the awarding of February degrees. Reports were presented by the President and by the chairs of the Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-Wide Affairs, the Membership Committee, the Screening Committee, and three visiting committees: Biology, Economics, and Music and Theater Arts. The Vice President for Resource Development, Barbara G. Stowe, and the chair of the Campaign Steering Committee, Raymond S. Stata, presented an update on the campaign's progress. Following the meeting, members of the Corporation and their accompanying spouses and guests attended a reception and luncheon at the Faculty Club, where they were joined by new and current MacVicar Faculty Fellows and members of the family of the late Professor Margaret L. A. MacVicar, for whom the fellowships are named.
Commencement Meeting
The final quarterly meeting of the academic year was held on June 8, 2001, prior to Commencement exercises at which the speaker was Daniel S. Goldin, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. At the meeting, the Corporation approved the action of the President in the awarding of June degrees, approved a new master's degree program in science writing, and voted to change the bylaws with respect to the process for electing a representative from Recent Classes. The Corporation elected new Corporation members, members of the standing committees and committees of annual recurrence, chairs of the visiting committees, and members of the Corporation Development Committee. Resolutions were read to honor six members completing their terms of service on the Corporation. In addition, members heard reports from the President; from Professors Lawrence S. Bacow, outgoing chancellor, and Steven R. Lerman, completing his term as chair of the faculty; and from the chairs of the Screening Committee and the visiting committees for the Engineering Systems Division and the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Ocean Engineering. Corporation members participated in the academic procession to Killian Court for Commencement exercises, for which Angus N. MacDonald served as Corporation Marshal.
Corporation Membership
Completed service effective June 30, 2001: Josephine S. Jiménez, L. Robert Johnson, Claudine B. Malone, Theresa M. Stone, R. Robert Wickham, Elliot K. Wolk.
Elected to a five-year term effective July 1, 2001: Philip M. Condit, Thomas P. Gerrity, Mark P. Gorenberg, Homayoun Hatami, Scott P. Marks, Jr., Dana G. Mead, Hyun-A C. Park, Paul Rudovsky, Marjorie M. T. Yang.
Elected Life Member effective July 1, 2001: Michael M. Koerner, DuWayne J. Peterson, Jr.
Ex officio Member for a one-year term effective July 1, 2001: L. Robert Johnson, 2001-2002 President of the Association of Alumni and Alumnae of MIT.
Ex officio Member effective April 10, 2001: Jane M. Swift, Acting Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Transferred to Life Member Emeritus: Angus N. MacDonald (January 2001) and Kenneth H. Olsen (February 2001).
Death: Richard L. Terrell (December 4, 2000).
Corporation Committees
Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility
The Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility did not meet as a group in 2000-2001. The Treasurer monitors votes in accordance with guidelines previously established by the Committee and is charged with convening the Committee if new issues arise during the year.
Auditing Committee
Meetings of the Auditing Committee were held on October 5, 2000, and March 1 and June 4, 2001. In attendance were the Auditing Committee members, representatives from PricewaterhouseCoopers, staff from the MIT Audit Division, various MIT financial staff members, and invited members of the MIT administration.
The October meeting included a report from Treasurer Allan S. Bufferd on the FY2000 financial statements; a discussion about the management letter from PricewaterhouseCoopers; and a report from the Institute's internal auditors. The Committee accepted and approved management's recommendation to appoint the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditors for FY2001.
The March meeting included the year-end report of the MIT Audit Division, as well as the Audit Plan for 2001. PricewaterhouseCoopers presented its scope of engagement, and Julie T. Norris, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, gave an update on compliance to various government regulations. The Committee also received a comprehensive report on property and casualty insurance coverage for MIT.
At the June meeting, Institute Auditor Deborah L. Fisher presented a draft Auditing Committee Charter for review and comment. She noted that the draft gave due consideration to the input of Institute management, practices of peer institutions, and professional standards. Executive Vice President John R. Curry and Controller James L. Morgan presented an unaudited balance sheet and statement of operations for the Institute for the nine months ended March 31, 2001, as part of a plan to produce quarterly financial statements for the Institute.
Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-Wide Affairs
The Corporation Joint Advisory Committee on Institute-Wide Affairs (CJAC) held meetings during the year in conjunction with the meetings of the Corporation in October, December, and March. Discussions focused on the need for improved graduate advising at MIT, resulting in a survey of best practices within MIT and at peer institutions. Dinners to bring Corporation members together with students and faculty for informal conversation followed each of the CJAC meetings. The October meeting, held jointly with the Screening Committee, also focused on the process of nomination and election to the Corporation. The chair of CJAC, Theresa M. Stone, presented a report of the committee's activities to the Corporation at the March meeting.
Corporation Development Committee
Activities of the Corporation Development Committee are covered in the annual report of the Vice President for Resource Development, under the Office of Individual Giving.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee held ten meetings during the past year. Financial issues-long-range planning, the management and enhancement of the Institute's resources, and budget processes-continued to be a major focus of activity. The Committee also devoted substantial discussion to student life and the campus community; the educational use of new information technologies and related issues in intellectual property; campus planning and the management of capital construction; new directions in research and changing patterns of research support; and current issues in financial aid and admissions.
Investment Committee
The Investment Committee held three regularly scheduled meetings during FY2001 under the chairmanship of Samuel W. Bodman. Dr. Bodman, who completed seven years as chairman of the committee on June 30, 2001, will be taking a leave of absence from the MIT Corporation and from Corporation committee work as a result of his recent appointment as Deputy Secretary of Commerce. Michael M. Koerner, a member of the Committee for ten years, was appointed chair, effective July 1, 2001.
The Wellington Management Company of Boston remained the primary investment manager and advisor for publicly traded securities, both domestic and international, an appointment that they have held for more than twenty years. The Institute continued its program, managed by four other investment management firms, of equity investments in smaller capitalization companies and through two other investment management firms of investments in international equities. The program for domestic and international alternative investments to publicly traded securities was further expanded during the past year, especially in hedge strategies in European markets. These alternative investments-including venture capital, private capital, real estate, event arbitrage, and distressed debt-are typically managed by several investment managers through pooled investment funds. A major change in the portfolio was the acquisition of Technology Square, a laboratory and office complex of more than one million square feet, contiguous to the campus, which adds significantly to the Institute's investment holdings of real estate in the Cambridge area.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee held three meetings during the academic year to discuss matters concerning membership on the Corporation, and nominations to various Corporation standing committees and committees of annual recurrence.
Corporation Screening Committee for Nomination of Recent Graduates
The Screening Committee for Nomination of Recent Graduates, in collaboration with CJAC, held a joint dinner meeting for students on October 5, 2000, in part to explain the nomination and election process for membership on the Corporation. The committee met via three teleconferences in February 2001 to review all nominee applications. From a group of 69 candidates, the committee selected twelve for the ballot. The nomination process was conducted under the auspices of the Alumni Association using for the first time an electronic ballot over the Internet. Mr. Homayoun Hatami (Class of 2000), received the nomination and was elected in June to serve a five-year term on the Corporation.
Corporation Visiting Committees
Fifteen Corporation Visiting Committees convened for regular two-day meetings during the academic year 2000-2001: Aeronautics and Astronautics; Architecture; Biology; Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Economics; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Engineering Systems Division; Libraries; Music and Theater Arts; Ocean Engineering; Physics; and Political Science.
In 2000-2001, the Institute's 30 visiting committees were composed of 427 persons filling 550 membership positions: 63 Corporation members filled 161 slots; 203 presidential nominees filled 212 slots; and 172 alumni nominees filled 177 slots. Eleven people filled both a presidential nominee slot and an alumni nominee slot. Of these eleven, two also each filled one additional alumni slot.
Women made up 23 percent of the visiting committee membership, and minorities 15 percent. Thirty-six percent of the members were affiliated with academia, 53 percent with business and industry, seven percent with government and law, and four percent with other organizations, including non-profit enterprises.
Office Activities and Personnel
Under the direction of Susan A. Lester, Associate Secretary of the Corporation, the staff of the Corporation Office managed the quarterly meetings of the Corporation and 15 visiting committee meetings, in addition to overseeing the annual renewal of committee memberships and producing such publications as the visiting committee roster, the Corporation picture directory, and the planning guide for visiting committees. Michelle D. Hinkle continued to perform admirably in maintaining outstanding relations with members of the Corporation, while Melanie A. McCue, who joined the Corporation Office in August 2000 to handle visiting committee planning, has quickly established her effectiveness in dealing with the myriad details of carrying out the demands of the visiting committee schedule. In all of this, Susan Lester set a superb example of professional service and outstanding trustee relations.