Student Services Information Technology

The mission of Student Services Information Technology is to provide high quality information services support to a wide-ranging set of users within the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education, the Office of the Dean for Student Life, and MIT. This support focuses on the automation of business processes and information systems to provide students, faculty and administrators with timely and accurate information and support.


SSIT has completed many client-focused projects, including the following:

Internally, SSIT focused on training. We maintained the technical currency of the SSIT Desktop Support Team with numerous formal training sessions (WinXP, Mac OS X) in preparation for migrating DUE/DSL machines to new operating systems for FY2004.

Staffing Changes

We entered FY2003 with analyst/programmer Deepali Sinha joining the Academic Services Support Team. In the third quarter, two analyst/programmers, Bin Zhou and Boguslaw Pierscionek, left MIT to pursue other opportunities. As a result of these departures, SSIT reviewed the office and client needs being met by the two positions. The result was the updating of both position descriptions. The process to replace these two positions was initiated.

Robert Rippcondi

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