MIT Medical

Meeting the health care needs of the MIT community with high quality, easily available patient care and community services is the goal of the Medical Department. Ensuring responsible stewardship of the resources available requires continuous and careful monitoring of our care systems and the clinical resources available in our community. Our on-going strategic planning process has provided important guidance and direction, especially in the face of increasingly limited resources.

Highlights for this year include:

Clinical Services

Nearly 130,000 visits to the MIT Medical Department were recorded during the 2002 – 2003 year. 6,500 visits were at the health care facility at Lincoln Laboratory where adult medicine, pediatrics and neurology services are available.

After Hours Service—Howard Heller, MD, Chief

The After Hours Service continues to provide onsite medical care to members of the MIT community and visitors to the campus from 7 pm to 7:30 am on weekdays and around the clock on weekends and holidays. The After Hours Service had 7,516 patient visits in FY2003. Telephone advice and guidance is also continuously available. Licensed internists, one family practitioner, and one internist-pediatrician who hold full-time appointments at Harvard teaching hospitals staff the service.

In order to contain costs, pediatricians are no longer providing onsite coverage on weekends and holidays. The nurse practitioners or physician assistants staffing for weekends and holidays now includes individuals with training in family medicine who can provide care for children. A pediatrician remains available at all times for telephone consultation and the Childrens Hospital emergency room is available as a venue of care. David Shein, MD, assumed responsibilities as medical coordinator of the After Hours Service as of July 1, 2003.

Dental Service—Jay Afrow, DMD, Chief

Fiscal year 2003 was marked by major renovations of the physical plant as well as expansion of clinical services into new areas of dental care. A stable team of providers and support staff work together to provide a wide range of dental services. In-office bleaching and implant placement have been added to the repertoire of basic dental and oral surgery services that have been available. The fiscal health of the Dental Service has improved significantly during FY2003.

Provider schedules have been arranged to maximize availability and shorten wait times for patients. The dental visit volume in FY2003 was approximately 12,000. Approximately 10 percent of the visits were for emergences and approximately 100 new patients are seen monthly.

The Dental Service continues to be a resource for dental education and preprofessional advising within the MIT community. Several members of the dental staff are predental advisors, provide lectures in various forums, and participate in the tooth print child identification program.

Inpatient Service—William Ruth, MD, Chief

Our JCAHO accredited inpatient hospital facility on the MIT campus continues to provide care for members of the MIT community. Clinical problems that do not require the intensive care of a major hospital are comfortably and conveniently managed on campus. The unit provides supportive care of students and health plan members, as well as post-operative care following orthopedic, gynecological, and general surgical procedures. In addition, the unit provides end of life services for MIT patients.

During the past year there has been increasing use of the Inpatient Unit for transient admissions to help decrease the case load in the urgent care area. Intravenous infusions of medications and fluids can be efficiently and conveniently provided. The nursing staff has been taking on the additional duties of case management, solely done previously by social service, as well as fulfilling the role of Patient Advocate. A dedicated group of nurses provides thoughtful, round-the-clock care.

Improving the quality of care with a focus on reducing errors has received significant attention. An ongoing study of medication errors was started in January as part of the quality improvement program.

Medical Service—David V. Diamond, MD, Chief

The schedules of internists have been adjusted to maximize availability for both scheduled and non-scheduled clinical encounters. The triage nursing staff continues to provide improved patient access to clinicians by managing requests for care that arrive by phone, by email, or in person. Over 41,000 clinical visits were made to clinicians in the Internal Medicine Service.

Members of the department continue their involvement in various Institute committees such as COUHES, Committee on Biosafety, Animal Care Committee, and Ergonomic Committee. The Practice Management Team, an interdisciplinary group continues to address operational issues, including appointment availability, patient communications, staffing levels, and coordinates innovations inpatient centered services. In addition, several members of the service participate in teaching students in the HST program and at Harvard Medical School.

Mental Health Service—Alan E. Siegel, EdD, Chief

This year, the service focused on improving access and responsiveness to the MIT community, and to students in particular. Alan Siegel joined the service as chief in the fall, and four new staff members were recruited, including two bicultural clinicians with the ability to provide assessment and treatment in a number of Chinese dialects. Weekend staffing by mental health clinicians has also been augmented. Appointment times that extend into the evening and the walk-in system continue to be highly utilized. Over 13,000 visits to the Mental Health Service were made during the year 2002–2003. New students coming to the service increased by 11 percent compared to last year's experience; 74 percent of all patients using the walk-in program were students, underscoring the value of this program to the student population.

The Mental Health Service has also initiated expanded risk assessment protocols, to better identify persons at risk of self-harm or harm to others. For those students hospitalized because of psychiatric difficulties, new practices were put in place to facilitate a smooth transition back to the MIT community or to home. In addition, the service initiated a program of increased contact and engagement with mental health clinicians in the community who treat members of the MIT community. For the first time, all freshmen and transfer students who reported a mental health issue or concern on their health questionnaire were contacted by the chief and offered an appointment.

A central emphasis this year has been to craft closer working relationships with academic departments and student life services to improve lines of communication, and to help identify and respond to students who are in psychological distress. Staff from the Mental Health Service actively participated in training experiences for housemasters, graduate resident tutors, and departmental administrators. Mental Health staff provides individualized consultation to faculty members and residence hall staff members who have concerns about students they feel might be at risk.

Nursing Service—Janice McDonough, RNCS, Acting Chief

Nurse practitioners and registered nurses continue to provide clinical care in the inpatient and outpatient areas of the MIT Medical Department. Registered nurses with experience in triage provide patients with self-care advice by telephone (and email), and facilitate the making of appointments with the appropriate clinician. Over 15,000 visits to members of the Nursing Service affiliated with the Internal Medicine service were made during the year 2002–2003. Nurse clinicians also play an active role in the provision of occupational health, dermatology, pediatrics and gynecology services. The inpatient nursing staff provides 24-hour coverage of the Inpatient Unit.

The Nursing Service has also established and maintained an active anticoagulation program. For patients requiring long-term anticoagulation, testing and medication dose adjustments are managed by a team of nurses with excellent results.

Several MIT nurse practitioners and registered nurses provide supervision for graduate and undergraduate nursing students from the major colleges and universities in the Boston area. The Nursing Continuing Education Committee organized the Annual Nursing Conference Day, which focused on the management of pain.

Obstetrics and Gynecology—Lori A. Wroble, MD, Chief

The OB/GYN service provides comprehensive care for women.

Statistics for July 1, 2002- June 30, 2003

Patient Visits 9,142
Deliveries 187
Cesarean Section Rate 21%
   Primary 16%
   Secondary 5%
GYN Surgeries 71
   Major 23
   Minor 25
   Missed Ab 23
LEEP (done in office) 10

The 4.7 full time equivalent OB/GYN physicians and 2 nurse clinicians provided the care. All our practitioners continue to participate in community activities, including IAP lectures, pre-med advising, MedLINKS advising, participating in the HST Program's Introduction to Clinical Medicine, HMS Primary Care Mentorship Program, precepting MGH nurse practitioner students and supervising residents at the Brigham and Women's GYN Clinic. Our providers also participate actively on departmental committees and initiatives as well as various Brigham and Women's Hospital committees.

Pediatric Service—Mark A. Goldstein, MD, Chief

The Pediatric Service provided over 8,000 visits during the year 2002–2003. Of the total approximately 1,500 visits occurred at the Lincoln Laboratory facility. Many of the 187 babies delivered by the OB/GYN service receive their care at MIT Medical.

Two major performance improvement projects were completed during the year. Elevated levels of bilirubin—hyperbilirubinemia—pose a significant health risk for newborns. The purpose of this project was to minimize hospital emergency department (ED) visits or readmissions for newborns who developed increased levels of bilirubin. Preventive strategies included establishing early follow up after discharge and in-hospital screening of newborns who were identified to be at higher risk for bilirubin problems. In 2002 there were no ED visits or rehospitalizations for bilirubin problems. Another performance improvement project involved encouraging children with asthma to receive the influenza vaccine. Influenza shot reminder cards were sent to all children receiving asthma medication. In 2000, 27.5 percent of those patients received the influenza vaccine; in 2001, 53.75 percent received it; and in 2002, 61 percent received the vaccine.

Student Health Service—Mark A. Goldstein, MD, Chief

As Dr. Goldstein, the chief of the service for the past twenty years, planned to step down on July 1, 2003, plans were made to transfer his duties to other members of the department. Many of Dr. Goldstein's goals during his tenure as student health chief were met and are currently part of the philosophy of care for students. The students are to receive comprehensive medical care. This has included selection of a primary care physician, early referral to a clinician as needed and availability of a broad array of medical services. In addition, Dr. Goldstein endeavored to have the student health service reach out to the entire community. This included establishment of connections between the dean's office, Athletics, Police, Housing, and many other offices. In addition, he brought the original idea of MedLINKS to MIT after a site visit to the University of California at Berkeley in the late 1980's; and finally, he founded the Student Medical Advisory Council in the early 1990's as a way to involve students more actively in departmental matters. The measles epidemic in the mid 1980's underscored the need to increase efforts to prevent such events. Dr. Goldstein was determined to keep the campus free of vaccine preventable disease. He promulgated and tightened standards for the prematriculation vaccination requirements. Hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, meningococcal disease, tetanus, and diphtheria were required at MIT long before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts set requirements by legislation. These standards have helped to ensure that the MIT campus has been free of these infectious diseases in recent years. For students who themselves are parents, he ensured that the Pediatric Service would be sensitive to the very special needs of MIT student families.

Surgical Service—Lawrence T. Geoghegan, MD, Chief

Approximately 1,400 visits to the surgical service were made during the year 2002–2003. Using the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Mount Auburn Hospital, the surgical service and its subspecialties performed approximately 250 cases.

The general surgical service witnessed changes in personnel during the past fiscal year.

Dr. Ashby Moncure announced his retirement as of July 1, 2003. Dr. Moncure enjoyed a long and distinguished career at the Massachusetts General Hospital and for the past 10 years was also a member of the surgical service at MIT. He is an expert in thoracic, vascular and general surgery. Dr. Sara Thayer, a general surgeon who, in addition to providing excellent clinical care, is also actively involved in the research laboratory investigating the etiology of pancreatic cancer.

Improvements in clinical care continue. The nationwide study on sentinel lymph node biopsy mentioned in our last annual report has resulted in our surgeons routinely performing the procedure. This eliminates the morbidity associated with full axillary dissection in the majority of breast cancer patients. The Urology service has added the services of Dr. James Ku. Dr. Ku and his colleagues offer the latest techniques for managing prostate cancer including nerve sparing prostatectomy surgery and prostate brachytherapy. The urologists are also initiating a less invasive hand assisted laparoscopic procedure for removal of adrenal and renal tumors. Educational material including a CD Rom has been developed outlining the evaluation of appendicitis – a condition most commonly seen in children and young adults. This will be available for physicians within the Medical Department to refresh and update their approach to the evaluation of abdominal pain.

Community and Health Education Services

Health Education Service—Marlisa Febbriello, MPH and Laura Anne Stuart, MPH, Health Educators

Two health educators, two assistant health educators, and one support staff person provide a wide range of health education, health promotion, and referral services for the MIT community.

The annual Health and Wellness Fair held in late August, during orientation, continues to provide information to incoming students on how to access health-related resources at MIT. A large number of MIT Medical Department personnel participate. MedSTOP, the satellite health education center located in the Stratton Student Center, provides self-care information and vending facilities to provide personal care products.

The MedLINKS program celebrated its 10th anniversary. The program has grown to include 97 students who have completed a Medical Department sponsored training program and who provide a link to health care and healthy choices. Fifteen residence halls and FSLIGs are represented. During the academic year, the Health Education service coordinated or participated in over 25 campus-wide outreach events designed to raise students' awareness of health issues such as stress management, responsible alcohol use, and sexual health. Health educators also coordinated or facilitated over 20 interactive workshops (primarily in residence halls and FSILGs) attended by over 500 undergraduate and graduate students.

Health Education programs for the MIT community (including faculty, staff, retirees, and students) have also continued to grow. Educational "info-stops," which are displayed monthly in the E-25 atrium, provide educational materials on specific topics including stress management, nutrition, osteoporosis, and cancer prevention. The "your health" series offers free one-hour workshops and lectures that address the various health issues that are of interest to the entire MIT community. Offered at both Lincoln Laboratory and on campus, 19 sessions were provided at lunchtime to meet the needs of faculty and staff, and at 7 pm. to meet the needs of students. Wellness classes continue to be popular with a total of 320 participants attending one of the 40 10-week classes that were offered at MIT Medical/Cambridge and MIT Medical/Lexington. Eleven childbirth classes and 96 parenting classes were also offered.

The Medical Department offered 20 health related activities during IAP that attracted 440 participants, about 50 percent of the attendees were students. The car seat loan program has increased in popularity. An average of 30 car seats are on loan at all times. Health promotion bulletin boards addressing student and staff health concerns are changed monthly throughout the buildings. The boards increase awareness of healthy behaviors and resources within MIT and MIT Medical.

Clinical Director for Campus Life—Maryanne Kirkbride, RN

A new position, clinical director for campus life, has been created and filled. The role is designed to foster enhanced connectivity between students, other members of the campus and the Medical Department. Working closely with other helping services on campus—dean's office, housemasters, campus police, etc.—Ms. Kirkbride has developed important relationships across campus. Seven major areas of activity have been defined or established:

The development of these areas for activity has resulted in the department's ability to help support and facilitate the formation of a student run ambulance service. Complete with a business plan, an educational program and a management infrastructure, the service provided over 150 response calls and provided over 5,000 volunteer hours of Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). The project involved the cooperation and assistance at multiple levels across the Institute.

The response to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) also represented a problem that required close coordination of a number of important components and a communication program to meet the medical, administrative, and emotional needs of the community. The endeavor was in large measure coordinated by Ms. Kirkbride.

Social Marketing

Beginning in the fall of 2002, MIT Medical in partnership with the Office of the Dean for Student Life, sponsored a social marketing initiative addressing dangerous drinking among undergraduate students. MIT Medical Health Education and Marketing staff along with the Associate Dean for substance abuse and community programs recruited a core team of undergraduate students interested in addressing this issue. MIT Medical also engaged the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a nonprofit agency specializing in social marketing, to assist in the strategic and creative development of the project. From the beginning this was envisioned as a student led campaign. The student team met directly with AED to specify objectives, strategy and tactics. MIT Medical provided funding and staff for project facilitation and oversight. Fall and early spring semesters were dedicated to research and creative development. The resulting campaign, "Celebrate Deviance" is designed to encourage responsible drinking behavior. "Celebrate Deviance" refers to MIT's low rates of binge drinking when compared with national college norms. The campaign launched in late March and ran through the end of the spring semester. Campaign elements included the distribution of a Tip Book, posters, events and a campaign web site. The team is currently working on additional materials and events planned for the 2003–2004 academic year. More information and downloads of campaign materials may be found on the student team's web site

Performance Improvement

A successful JCAHO survey was completed in October 2003; MIT Medical received a final score of 93 percent.

Continuous improvement of patient care and patient safety were the major focus of both service-specific and cross-functional performance improvement activities. Cross functional/cross service performance improvement projects included:

Service specific performance improvement activities this year included: Eye Service working on increasing the number of diabetic patients getting an annual eye exam, Internal Medicine working on increasing compliance with screening guidelines for colorectal cancer, Ob/Gyn working on increasing the consistency with which genetic counseling is offered to patients.

The Performance Improvement and Risk Management committees were combined in 2003 to improve efficiency and effectiveness of committee functions, enhance communication on critical issues, reduce duplication of effort, and create a more flexible structure. Risk management activities included trend analysis of incident and patient advocate data, identification and review of high-risk cases, and quarterly meetings with the RMF. MIT Medical has been actively engaged in patient safety/risk reduction activities including staff training, building safety rounds, and increased use of safety products, e.g., safety needles.

Administrative Activities

Administration/Operations, Fiscal Management, Health Plans, Strategic Planning, Marketing and Information Systems—Annette Jacobs, Executive Director; Shelagh Joyce, Director, Information Systems; Ellen Offner, Director, Health Plans, Finance, Strategic Planning and Marketing; Deborah Friscino, Director, Operations

The need for increasing facility maintenance (E23 is 21 years old) and longer range space planning caused us to create a new full-time position—facilities manager/safety officer. Previously, these responsibilities had been divided among a number of people.

Communications and Marketing

In addition to the work being done relating to the Mental Health Task Force recommendations, the communications and marketing team released a major redesign of both the print and web versions of health@mit in November. In keeping with MIT Medical's mission to care for all the diverse MIT community, health@mit is one of the most widely distributed publications at MIT, sent free to all MIT community members.

The group has also collaborated closely with two undergraduate students, Rupa Hattangadi '03 and Jennifer Schymick '02, who are the cocoordinators of a major student health information web project that MIT Medical is funding and will launch in the fall of 2002. (Initial feasibility funding was provided by UROP). Designed by MIT students to reach out to MIT students, VIVO will combine:


There are a number of operational activities going on in support of our strategic initiatives. They include an emphasis on coordination of service for improved patient care, the quality of care provided, updated equipment, and a look at our workplace environment.

Coordination and Delivery of Service

Integration of support staff between Internal Medicine, Medical/Surgical Specialties or Restructuring of Walk-In Clinic from 3 pm–7 pm. Physicians covering the clinic now see patients with nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and triage nurses on the first floor rather than in their offices throughout the building. As a result, the process for patients seeking same-day care is more streamlined. At the same time, we've been evaluating the availability of appointments in each clinical area to better match patient needs with available appointments. The increased use of triage nurses is an important component of this.

Electronic Messaging

Staff within the Medical Department can now communicate with each other in a way that links a patient's medical record to a specific request, as a prescription refill. This electronic message simplifies the process for many requests, increasing our efficiency and facilitating the interaction between clinicians, secretaries, and staff in other services.

Regulatory Reviews

Last fall, the Medical Department underwent a JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) survey. These surveys, which happen every three years, review all aspects of the care delivered here. As in the past, the department passed with flying colors receiving praise from both the physician and nurse surveyors.

In a separate review, the Laboratory received a perfect score when reaccredited by CAP (College of American Pathologists). This survey, conducted by external auditors, happens every two years and is focused on quality systems, laboratory safety and clinical competence.

Similarly, the X-Ray Department completed their recertification process, meeting Federal MQSA (Mammography Quality Standards Act) standards without any deficiencies. They are currently completing the reaccreditation process with the American College of Radiology. These surveys examine staff qualifications, equipment, and image quality.

New and Improved Equipment

A number of equipment upgrades have been completed this year. They include a new "light box" in Dermatology for patients needing phototherapy, more Athena workstations in waiting areas, and a light system in the X-Ray Department which lets technicians discreetly know when a patient is waiting. Presently, the Pharmacy is implementing an interactive prescription renewal system to improve their service. A new water filtration system was added to the dental sterilizing system so that equipment can be cleaned more cost effectively.

Workplace Environment

Upon the recommendation of a strategic plan workgroup, a number of initiatives are underway which will improve the workplace for many staff. Meeting guidelines have been implemented to improve the participation and contribution of each person attending meetings. A program for professional development of support staff and a flexible schedule policy have been introduced. More people at all levels of the department are involved in communication and decision-making.

Physically, we've worked to maximize the use of our space. To make room for new people, we have divided rooms and juggled schedules to enable staff members to share offices. Bob Bright, facilities manager, continues to work closely with many people throughout the MIT community to keep the infrastructure working properly. Despite budgetary constraints, we have been able to "spruce up" and repair both rooms and furniture throughout the department.

Information Systems and Medical Records

Additional system functionality and modules have been added to the department's new billing/claims/referral system. Efficiencies have been realized; some include reducing the Accounts Receivable balance, fine tuning billing edits that result in producing clean bills faster, and eliminating unnecessary work.

The Medical Department successfully met the first phase of the HIPAA regulations. All staff members have been trained on the regulations. The major application suites have been upgraded to ensure HIPAA compliance. Health Plan members and patients have received their respective HIPAA Privacy Notices. The Medical Department was already following many of the privacy related procedures and processes that are now required. In the upcoming year the Medical Department will be implementing the electronic billing standards and fine-tuning security practices. The Medical Department and MIT Human Resources are working collaboratively to meet electronic standards that are required as of October 2003.

The electronic medical record application (EMR) was upgraded this winter. Managing the documentation and outcomes of the patient visit, workflow has become more uniform. All internal medicine and specialty providers are dictating notes and clinicians are using the application for tasking and acknowledging lab and radiology results electronically. This has resulted in a dramatic decrease in filing paper documents. Patient inquiries via the phone calls are returned and documented more promptly. Clinicians will be able to access the application remotely, facilitating on-call and off-hours coverage. As electronic workflows continue to emerge, staffing, and their deployment will be reexamined.

A new department intranet has been designed and implemented. In addition to posting departmental policies and announcements, the system can also provide forms and procedure information. Post training testing is also supported. Major operating system software changes occurred over the year. All the servers and desktops were migrated to Windows 2000.

MIT Employee and Student Health Plans

Traditional and Flexible MIT Health Plans

Enrollment increased by 5 percent from June 2002 to June 2003. Lincoln Laboratory enrollment grew by 8 percent during this period. Careful oversight and benefit management enabled the health plans to maintain their position as the lowest cost option for MIT employees.

Health plan staff worked with MIT Medical providers to refine several administrative processes in the last fiscal year. As a result of this review, the referral process for our members to receive specialist services was streamlined significantly.

In response to input from MIT Medical clinicians and in order to meet the clinical needs of our members more fully, new benefits were added for rehabilitation services (physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy) and neuropsychological/psychological testing in calendar year 2003.

MIT Student and Affiliate Extended Insurance Plans

The MIT Student and Affiliate Extended Insurance Plans experienced significant losses during FY2003. Several factors including significantly higher utilization for all types of medical services, particularly outpatient mental health visits and related pharmacy costs accounted for much of the loss. Working with the Graduate Student Council and Milliman USA, our outside actuary, health plan staff proposed several changes for academic year 2003–2004 to stabilize the plan. Changes included converting from an indemnity plan to a preferred provider organization (PPO), minor changes in covered benefits, and the introduction of coinsurance for some services. In conjunction with reducing coverage for outside mental health benefits, health plan staff worked with the chief and associate chief of our Mental Health Service on plans to take care of students with longer term needs within MIT Medical. This shift is consistent with recommendations made by the Mental Health Task Force.

The Summary Plan Description (SPD) for the Student Health Plan (Student Medical Plan and Student Extended Insurance Plan) was completed during the past year as a PDF, which was added to the MIT Medical Department web site. The completion of the SPD represented the efforts of many Medical Department employees over the past eighteen months and provides instant access to our membership regarding the benefits available under the plans.

Enhancements in Fiscal Planning and Reporting

Collaborative work with the Controller's Accounting Office and the Office of Budget and Financial Planning continued throughout FY2003 on the development of a programmatic or lines of business presentation of Medical Department services and finances. The effort was joined this year by practice management resources from the Medical Department systems team and also the Data Warehouse, which will be the repository of the data sent by Medical and the source of the reports. These continuing efforts to create an automated and sustainable process for presenting the department funds flow by the various patient lines of business are anticipated to produce first-pass reporting in March 2004.

The FY2004 budget process again utilized the broadened cast of department representatives who had participated in the process during the previous year. This widespread involvement had met with resounding approval and a greater sense of ownership and responsibility to the budget and the department finances. Due to the Institute budget directives for FY2004, which required a 7 percent reduction on a $28 million expense base ($5 million in pharmaceutical costs, judged to be beyond the department's control, was removed from the original base), the challenges for this expanded group were conducted in a very different climate from that of the previous year.

The goal was to look to all levels of the department for input on ideas for cost reductions, possible modifications to services, or any opportunity to deliver care to our patients and the community in more creative but less expensive ways. In addition, opportunities to reduce administrative expenses were also evaluated and in some cases immediately initiated. Benchmark studies as appropriate were presented and all suggestions were considered as the broad plan took shape in order to deliver a budget that met the fiscal needs of the Institute and also allowed the Medical Department sufficient resources to continue the mission of serving the MIT community. Again, the inclusion of all members of the Department in this 2004 budget process provided not only insight into the MIT fiscal challenges in 2004 and beyond but also the opportunity for each Department member to review our medical services and look for different ways to deliver them.

Appointments, Promotions, and Terminations

Administrative and Other Academic Staff

Dansby, Winnie Human Resources Administrator 8/19/2002
Kirkbride, Maryanne Clinical Director for Campus Life 8/26/2002
Siegel, Alan Chief of Mental Health 9/01/2002
Beckett, Alexandra Psychiatrist 9/09/2002
Webster, Danielle Clinical Nurse Specialist 9/18/2002
Rosen, Carole Optometric Technician 10/4/2002
Banda, Julie Assistant Health Educator 10/7/2002
Cornejo, Cristobal Physician Assistant 12/9/2002
Hsi, Xiaolu Psychologist 1/13/2003
Lejeune, Simon Psychiatrist 3/17/2003
Lo, Evelyne Clinical Nurse Specialist 6/9/2003
Halvorson, Karen Nurse Practitioner 6/30/2003
Reich, Peter Psychiatrist 6/30/2003
Morabito, Mary Nurse Practitioner 8/13/2002
Schwartz, Eric Dermatologist 8/30/2002
Lanner, Brian Training Specialist 9/20/2002
Edwards, Rodney Assistant Facilities Manager 10/2/2002
VonDette, Martha
Nurse 10/12/2002
Mellman, Patricia Clinical Service Coordinator 11/1/2002
Gray, Laureen Director of Nurses 11/8/2002
Block, Bethany Internist 1/31/2003
Mechegia, Mahlet Dental Hygienist 2/15/2003
Need, Laura (layoff) Pediatrician 6/30/2003
Diane Magnuson Assistant Clinical Coordinator  

William M. Kettyle, MD, Medical Director
Annette Jacobs, Executive Director

More information about MIT Medical can be found on the web at


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