Campaign Giving
The Office of Campaign Giving (OCG) cultivates, solicits, and stewards alumni and friends capable of making gifts of $50,000 or more to the Campaign for MIT. In collaboration with senior administration, development officers across MIT, the Alumni/ae Association and the volunteers, OCG will cultivate and solicit 4,000 identified prospects and donors over the course of the campaign.
This year, OCG continued to build relationships with donors in a very difficult economic and political climate. Ongoing cultivation efforts helped sustain the momentum built in the campaign early years and to further educate the donor base about Institute priorities. Topics such as OpenCourseWare, Cancer Research, Economics, Tiny Technologies, the Libraries, and the Physics Department were highlighted in several locations throughout the country. In addition, six Technology Breakfasts were held in New England and Silicon Valley. Of note, there were several Planned Giving luncheons held throughout the country. This partnership with the Office of Planned Giving has been instrumental to help realize several gifts.