Corporate Relations

The Office of Corporate Relations (OCR), which includes the Industrial Liaison Program (ILP), creates and strengthens mutually beneficial relationships between MIT and corporations worldwide. In FY2003 total corporate cash gifts to the Institute totaled $46.6 million, a decrease of 5 percent from the previous year. ILP fee income totaled $7.6 million during a year marked by global economic and political challenges. Staff also contributed to a number of significant research and gift revenue opportunities.

Marketing activities were expanded in the past year including the promotion of conference and workshop offerings in addition to aggressive field activity. New communications activities with ILP members included the creation of a special ILP edition of Technology Review's electronic newsletter, "Technology Insider," as well as the development of faculty seminar web-casts.

During the year, OCR also undertook a major redesign of the ILP web site and development moved forward on a centralized information system to support enhanced office operations and information management.

Karl F. Koster

More information about the Office of Corporate Relations and the Industrial Liaison Program can be found on the web at

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