Throughout the year, significant attention was devoted to improving the quality of CAC-managed facilities. The Walker recreation program was re-instituted following renovation of the gymnasium floor and planning continued on separate renovation efforts to Walker Memorial, Kresge Auditorium, and the MIT Chapel. Interim renovations to improve access and movement in Walker were initiated. In a joint effort with Housing and Food Services, new furnishings were purchased for and an augmented cleaning program was initiated in Morss Hall. In conjunction with Graphic Arts, enhancements were made to the Kresge Auditorium sound system, including ADA-mandated assistive listening devices installed to augment the building's system. Following completion of renovations to W11, the new Religious Activities Center was opened and operationally brought on-line.
Program offerings were expanded this year to include workshops dealing with multiculturalism. The Student Art Association received a donation to create the Harold and Arlene Schnitzer Prize in the Visual Arts. The fund provides an annual cash prize and the winner will exhibit his or her work in the Wiesner Student Art Gallery. Construction of The Source, the gift of the 1994 Senior Class, was completed and it was placed into operation in September. Located in the main lobby of the Stratton Student Center, the Source serves as an information center and ticket outlet for campus activities and events. RideSource, a commuter matching service, is also operated through the Source.
Full occupancy was maintained in the Stratton Student Center throughout the year with lease options renewed or renegotiated with eligible tenants. The Student Center Vendor Program continued its success in providing unique products while contributing important revenue support to the department. During the year, an upgrade to the event reservation and scheduling system was completed.
The Office of Special Community Services (OSCS) became affiliated with the CAC during the year and continued to support a variety of important community programs. The MIT Activities Committee (MITAC) organized over 60 events for the MIT and Lincoln Laboratory communities which were attended by over 4,000 participants. The MIT Quarter Century Club, which inducted 135 new members this year, held several events, including a summer picnic attended by 700 members and guests. This year's United Way campaign reached slightly over 93 percent of its $322,000 institutional goal. The annual Retirement Dinner, hosted by President and Mrs. Vest, honored 176 retirees at its June event.
Phillip J. Walsh
MIT Reports to the President 1994-95