Improvements to Graphic Arts equipment and services included the addition of a second DocuTech in Building N42 and both machines are now networked to the campus. Course pack production was moved from the Copy Centers to the DocuTechs to take advantage of the storage capacity and superior quality of the DocuTechs. The first stage of ramping up for the new copyright clearance service was completed. The production of color presentation slides is a growing service and digital photography is being explored. In the Offset Department, several new pieces of equipment have been added, including a small two-color press, a plate maker, and an offset camera.
The sound system was upgraded in Kresge Auditorium. Audio Visual purchased new equipment for recording musical performances which will substantially improve the sound quality of the recordings. The department has also enhanced its ability to project computer-generated images from multiple platforms.
Audio Visual implemented equipment upgrades in Kresge to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, portable systems were purchased for use around campus. The department also participated in planning for ADA compliance in the new Tang Center.
As a result of MIT's reengineering efforts, the Graphic Arts Mail operation was transferred to the new MIT Mail Service at year end. Graphic Arts will provide accounting and computer support services to the new Mail Service.
Vernon A. Raine
MIT Reports to the President 1994-95