Procurement partnership arrangements, which began last year, continued this year as a result of supplier consolidation efforts. Partners include VWR Scientific, BOC Gases, Office Depot, Sterling Olsten, and a new partner, DHL Shipping. Efforts in closing the MIT Computer connection (MCC) commenced with an RFP to suppliers. The transition with the selected partner, NECX, will begin early next year. Additional partnerships will form as a result of the creation of the Publishing Services Bureau.
The conversion of data from the VAPS system to the SAP system was accomplished during the year and SAP became the system of record for the Comptroller's Accounting Office (CAO) and Purchasing. A major effort involved communications throughout the community. Monthly luncheons that were open to the community were scheduled to try and identify and resolve problems. Another effort which was shared by both the CAO and Purchasing were visits directly to departments, labs, and centers to inform them of procedural changes and to listen to their concerns. Both efforts have proven very useful and appreciated by the community.
The vendor file was reduced from 40,000 to 18,000 with the migration to SAP.
The Electronic Requisitioning System (EREQ), the Institute's on-line and interactive electronic requisitioning system, remains available to all members of the MIT community and will be available until all departments have been trained and converted to SAP.
This year, there were more than 205,000 transactions generated to view the status of business, to create 46,702 electronic requisitions and speed orders to outside vendors, and to create 16,649 electronic requisitions to Institute internal providers.
The Electronic Catalog System (ECAT), a World Wide Web based ordering system, went into production during the year. At year end, approximately 300 accounts had been established with 100 active users. The numbers continue to grow each month.
Approval was granted for the MIT Visa Purchasing (VIP) Card. A pilot for the card is scheduled for early next year.
Subcontracting Plans are required by law for each contract proposal to a federal agency which exceeds $500,000. The Subcontracting Plan must specifically identify the efforts that will be taken under a resulting contract to assure the award of a fair proportion of subcontract and purchasing dollars to small business and small minority business concerns. Each Subcontracting Plan includes both dollar and percentage goals which are negotiated with the sponsor and become a material part of the resulting contract.
As a service to departments, laboratories, and centers, the Assistant Director for Subcontracting coordinates this effort with the Office of Sponsored Programs and the affected principal investigators. He then prepares Subcontract Plans for submission, negotiates changes when necessary, and reports accomplishments to federal sponsors and principal investigators. This year, there were over 50 active Subcontracting Plans under Institute federal contracts which necessitated the submission of over 100 separate reports of accomplishments to federal sponsors.
More information about this department can be found on the World Wide Web at the following URL:
Diane Shea
MIT Reports to the President 1996-97