In the /var/https/source, we deliver all the source necessary to rebuild the apache-ssl server. It is easy to enable any of the standard modules or add other modules that you write or obtain from the Web offerings on the internet, customizing your Apache Web server to satisfy your needs.

To build a webserver on an Athena machine, here are some example commands. Please do not try this unless you are an experienced Unix system administrator. These are provided merely as examples. Use your judgement and have a good backup/restore strategy before typing any commands as root.

For example, to rebuild the binary httpsd+jserv :

as root:

      # add gnu
      # cd /var/https/source

To see what build-time options are available:

     # ./configure --help

To rebuild the httpsd+jserv binary:

     # ./configure --prefix=/var/https --enable-module=rewrite \
     --enable-module=so --activate-module=src/modules/jserv/libjserv.a

     # make
This will produce a binary file, /var/https/source/src/httpsd. You can verify the date:
     # ls -l /var/https/source/src/httpsd
and verify that it is executable:
     # /var/https/source/src/httpsd -v
and verify that it contains the modules you expect:
     # /var/https/source/src/httpsd -l
For a full description of all the modules you can enable go to: server documentation at