14.03: Intermediate Microeconomics Spring 1996 Instructor Teaching Assistants Professor Susan Athey, E52-251B Kim Rueben, E52-351 x3-6407; athey@mit.edu ksr@mit.edu, x3-2675 Office Hours: T 1-2; W 11-12 Office Hours: M 1-2; Th 9:30-10:30 Rafael Martinez-Gomez, E52-368 rafael@mit.edu, x3-8719 Office Hours: M 4-5; Th 1-2 Class Meetings: The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 - 12:00, in 4-231. Sections will be finalized in class. Text: Nicholson, Walter, Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions, New York: Dryden Press, 1995. Course Reader: A packet of reading materials will be available in a few days at Graphic Arts. Readings will be assigned every week. Problem Sets: This course will require weekly problem sets, which will be assigned every Tuesday and be due the following Tuesday in class. The problem sets will be discussed in section every Friday. The problems sets will have two parts: one part will include more technical problems out of the text book, and the second part will cover the assigned reading from the course reader. Late problems sets (late means any time after the end of class on Tuesday) will not be accepted. Questions on problem sets should be directed to TAs first when possible. Grading: Problem sets 25%, midterm 30%, final 45%. The exams will be based on the textbook, the problem sets, and the assigned readings. The tentative date for the midterm is March 15, in section. Electronic Locker/World Wide Web: We have an electronic locker arranged for the class, at /home/mit/14.03. This should be active as of Tuesday, February 4. Problem sets, the syllabus, reading assignments, and the reading list will be available there, either in text form, postscript form, or both. Text files will have the extension ".txt," while postscript files will have the extension ".ps".