Tax Algebra: Let dx(Px,Py,I) and dy(Px,Py,I) be the demand for X and Y given prices and income. These are observable, and they are by definition the most preferred choices on the budget line (B1) Px*X + Py*Y = I Now impose a tax on X and give a rebate Z. The new budget constraint is (B2) (Px+T)*X + Py*Y = I + Z, and the new optimal choices are given by dx(Px+T,Py,I+Z) and dy(Px+T,Py,I+Z), which are as usual determined by finding the indifference curve which is tangent to the new budget constraint (B2). In principle, we want to know how much Z we have to give to make the consumer as well off as she was before the tax and rebate. This requires knowledge of the utility function, however. So instead, let's ask a related question: (Q) If we gave a rebate to the consumer which has the property that the rebate is equal to the amount the consumer pays in taxes, will the consumer be as well off as without the tax and rebate? The answer to this question tells us something about the distortionary effect of the tax, and the waste which it creates. To answer the question, we first find the rebate Z where an optimizing consumer pays Z in taxes. That is, we find the particular value of Z so that the following equation holds: (3) T*dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I) = Z At this (and only this) value of Z, the consumer's tax receipts exactly equal her rebate. Now, is the consumer better or worse off? Let us check the consumer's new budget constraint (B2) evaluated at the optimal choices given taxes: (Px + T) * dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I) + Py*dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I) = Z + I Substituting (3) on the right-hand side and cancelling, we get Px*dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I) + Py*dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I) = I This equation tells us that the total expenditure on X and Y, when taxes and rebates are netted out, is I. That is, (dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I),dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I)) lies on the budget line (B1). Now, we have our result. We know that (dx(Px,Py,I),dy(Px,Py,I)) is the most preferred point on the budget line (B1), by definition. So, in particular, (dx(Px,Py,I),dy(Px,Py,I)) must be preferred to (dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I),dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I)), since the latter point is also on (B1). [This is a "revealed preference" argument.] If (dx(Px,Py,I),dy(Px,Py,I)) is optimal, why is it not chosen? Well, recall that in the new situation, the consumer faces budget constraint (B2), not (B1). (The consumer ignores her effect on Z when she makes her choices, that is, she treats Z as fixed). The choice dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I),dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I) *is* optimal, given the prices and income faced by the consumer (B2). We have simply chosen Z so that B2 and B1 cross exactly at (dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I),dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I)). In other words, if the consumer could spend all of I tax-free at the stores, instead of bothering with the government at all, the consumer could make a better choice, and achieve higher utility. When the government is involved, the consumer still exhausts her income I but the best she can do given the government-interference-budget-constraint (B2) is consume the bundle (dx(Px+T,Py,Z+I),dy(Px+T,Py,Z+I)). This same analysis holds for any set of consumer preferences -- as long as consumer behavior satisfies the weak axiom of revealed preference, government intervention necessarily creates a distortion. We have proved that taxes cause harm to the consumer even if the consumer receives enough rebate to push her back onto her old budget line. I hope this clarifies things -- if you're still confused, feel free to come by my office hours.