2011-02-23 12:52
Rev.: 259
346 lines of code changed in 13 files:
BirchMurnsolidClino.m (new 64),
BirchMurnsolidOlivine.m (new 56),
Ddoubleprime.m (new 80),
MOFlowEarthCMB.m (+7 -5),
all_oceans.m (+2 -2),
clinopyroxenedensity.m (+3 -3),
epNd.m (+13 -5),
fractionatedeepEarth.m (+1 -1),
gammamin.m (new 71),
graphsdeep.m (+29 -28),
leanGraphs.m (+1 -1),
test_liq_comp.m (new 11),
testpcolor.m (new 8)
2011-02-11 12:12
Rev.: 257
321 lines of code changed in 7 files:
MOFlowEarthCMB.m (+86 -188),
NewBirchMurnliquid.m (+1 -1),
finallayercalculations.m (+16 -101),
fractionatedeepEarth.m (+6 -4),
graphsdeep.m (+144 -285),
makeSolidus.m (+67 -84),
surfacemeltdensity.m (+1 -1)