PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS SEMINAR Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Cambridge, MA 02139 TOPIC: MOBIUS SERIES INVERSION REDISCOVERED SPEAKER: DR. MARTIN Z. BAZANT Department of Physics Harvard University ABSTRACT: After more than a century confined to pure mathematics, the Mobius Inversion Formula of number theory and combinatorics is now finding applications in science. In this talk the rich nineteenth century literature on Mobius inversion is reviewed, including seminal contributions by A. F. Mobius (1832), P. L. Chebychev (1851), E. Cesaro (1885) and others. Some surprising historical facts are revealed. The juxtaposition of venerable knowledge in mathematics with recent insights from physics leads naturally to (i) a generalized ``Mobius Series Inversion Formula'' containing all the previous cases and (ii) methods to overcome various limitations of the old theory for physical applications. No knowledge of number theory is assumed. The key ideas will be introduced via the original papers of Mobius, Chebychev and Cesaro. Applications will be taken from statistical and solid state physics. DATE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1998 TIME: 2:30 P.M. LOCATION: Building 2, Room 338 Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. in Building 2, Room 349.