Configuring Outlook for use at MIT

Current Outlook Version:Outlook 2002

Current Operating System: Windows XP Professional

Users of OUTLOOK Express please visit here for appropriate screen shots (pending)

Reminder : MIT Information Systems does not support the use of OUTLOOK or OUTLOOK Express as a mail application at this time.

Below are the steps for setting up Outlook 2002 to access your electronic mail on the MIT Servers.

Open Outlook , Navigate from the Tools Menu> Email Accounts > Choose to add a New Email account

Choose the IMAP protocol

Which will allow you to read and manage mail from the MIT mail servers. More information about email terms protocols

Enter the User information.

You can find out your incoming mail server p.o. sever here

You will need to configure the More Settings...option

This Setting is found in the lower right hand corner

Please fill in the Organization and reply to information

Click on the Outgoing Server Tab and copy the settings in the screen shot



You can "skip" the Connection Tab as this should not need configuration


Port 993 on the Incoming server will display when users click the "checkbox" that states "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)"

TheOutgoing Mail server port 465 will need to be typed in manually.

Make sure your settings match those in the screen shot

Click OK


Clicking O.K.will take user back to this screen

You should click Next then Finish

You should see the newly created mail account listed

You will be prompted to login when sending / receiving mail from your account on the MIT mail server

Should you be prompted with the a Certificate Message you can import an MIT Site Certificate using the information found at

This import will stop the prompting each time you initialize Outlook or Outlook Express.



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last update 03-Nov-2003