Tuesday Free English Class - 3:00 pm
Join native speakers for English conversation. We exchange culture, practice idioms, discuss American culture, and make new friends. We meet in Building 12-142, Feb 6th-May 15th. Class co-sponsored by CSSA at MIT. Contact Shelly Webb at sawebb@mit.edu.
Tuesday Korean Bible Study - 6:45 pm
Join a group of Korean Christians and seekers for an in depth Bible study discussion in room 66-156. Contact
Dae-Sung Choi at dschoi7@mit.edu or visit www.bostonmokyang.org  for more information.
Thursday Conversational English Classes - 1:15 pm
International students and spouses are invited to a free English conversation and discussion class in the Main Dining Room of Building W11, on the corner of Mass Ave and Amherst across the street from Ashdown. Contact Barbara Beevers at barbeevers@juno.com.
Thursday Bible Study -12:00 Noon
Join an International Bible study in English for students, scholars, and spouses. We meet in the Board Room of W-11 every Thursday. Contact Barbara Beevers.
Monthly International Fellowship Potluck Dinner
We meet once a month for a potluck dinner and cultural exchange. International families, students, and scholars join Americans to grow friendship over dinner. Contact mdean@mit.edu for more details.
Special Events
We enjoy various outings, dinners, holiday gatherings, an annual Thanksgiving banquet, and seasonal sightseeing trips. We look forward to these times with each of you.