The Neural
Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements
D. Temporal Factors in Visually Guided Saccadic Eye Movements
1. The conditions under which express
saccades can and cannot be generated.
the second experiment the fixation spot and the targets used were always
kept at the same location on the monitor. Data were collected with the
monitor placed at various eccentricities thereby displacing the orbital
position of the eye but leaving the relative position of the targets on
the monitor and the vectors generated constant. Figure
38 plots the frequency of express saccades so generated. As
eccentricity was increased, the frequency of express saccades declined
for saccades to more eccentric positions but increased to less eccentric
ones. However, the overall frequency of express saccades remained quite
constant. Thus it appears that what is coded for express saccade generation
is the saccadic vector, not the position of the targets in space and not
the orbital positions of the eye.