The Neural
Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements
D. Temporal Factors in Visually Guided Saccadic Eye Movements
1. The conditions under which express
saccades can and cannot be generated.
f. Are express saccades made to familiar targets
appearing unexpectedly at new locations and to unfamiliar targets appearing
at expected locations?
top panel of Figure 35 shows the
distribution of saccadic latencies to familiar locations using familiar
targets. The second panel shows the distribution of saccadic latencies
to familiar targets that unexpectedly appear at new, previously not used
locations. Such locations were presented infrequently and were randomly
interspersed with the presentation of targets at familiar locations. Few
express saccades were made to the familiar targets appearing at new locations.
The third panel shows the distribution obtained when targets with new
colors, shapes or sizes were used that appeared unexpectedly at familiar,
expected locations. Many express saccades were made. Thus express saccades
are rare to targets that appear at new, unexpected locations but are common
when at familiar sites targets with new colors, shapes and sizes appear.