Welcome to Beast!
Second East, mononymously known as Beast, is home to 36 human residents, 2 canine residents, the Very Large LED Array (VLLA), a pretty nifty water filter, a Free Food Table (FFT), and beautiful murals including one of our mascot, The Beast.
Hall culture is defined by all of our diverse and varied hall members, so it's always evolving. Beast's current range of interests include:
- nertz, hearts, and thirteen / and coming up with haikus / so true bestie slay,
- making food (banana bread and so many dumplings),
- playing music (and SINGING KARAOKE!!),
- reading discussions (beast.. reading.. breading? wait.),
- ~shenanigans~ (no door can stop us now >:) hehehe),
- ... and much more!
Whatever your interests are, there are always people around who are down to do things with you. Beast is tight-knit and welcoming to all, so no matter who you are, you can find a place here.