NCSSM Alumni

Reunions 2001

Alumni Day! NCSSM will host the '86, '91, and '96 reunions on October 12-13, 2001. For information, see the School's web site.

To update your mailing and email addresses with the School, so that you don't miss the invitation, visit the School's address update form.

Alumni Day 2000

Here are the details for the year 2000 reunions, for those of you who like archives.

Who's Invited

Friday, Sept 22 - Cocktails at the University Club

7pm, all classes invited. Top floor of University Tower, 3101 Petty Rd (tall office building across business 15-501 from South Square Mall). $25 per person.

Saturday, Sept 23 - Reunion Schedule

Reunion Schedule

Reunion Schedule
10am Registration Bryan Lawn
11am Class of 1990 Faculty Presentation Fowler Lecture Hall, Friedrick Educational Technology Complex (ETC)

Class of 1985 Slide Show General Assembly Auditorium, ETC
12noon Class of 1995 Faculty Presentation Fowler Lecture Hall, ETC

Class of 1990 Slide Show General Assembly Auditorium, ETC
1pm Class of 1985 Faculty Presentation Fowler Lecture Hall, ETC

Class of 1995 Slide Show General Assembly Auditorium, ETC
Ongoing Activities, 11am-1pm on Bryan Lawn
Kids' Activities: Face painting and games
Barbecue picnic ($8 per person)
Student Entertainment
All Day Activities
Tours of Campus will start on Bryan Lawn
Art Studio Activities in Philip Morris Art Studio
2pm Class of 1990 Photograph Watts Lawn
2:30pm Class of 1985 Photograph Watts Lawn
3pm Class of 1995 Photograph Watts Lawn
8pm Reunion Parties
Class of 1985
Dreamaker, 706 1/2 Ninth St
Class of 1990
Cafe Parizade, 2200 W. Main St
Class of 1995
Club George, 737 Ninth St

1985 Reunion Party

1984, 1985, 1986 - 8pm, Dreamaker, 706 1/2 Ninth St, $30 per person, cash bar.

1990 Reunion Party

1989, 1990, 1991 - 8pm, Cafe Parizade, 2200 West Main St, $30 per person, cash bar.

1995 Reunion Party

1994, 1995, 1996 - 8pm, Club George, 737 Ninth St, $25 per person, cash bar.

Hotel Suggestions

Because so many alums stay with family and friends in the area, there are no blocks of rooms set aside at local hotels. For those of us who do need lodging, these hotels should have very good rates, and they're less than a mile or two from the School:


Please send this information with a check by September 1, 2000. Make checks payable to NCSSM Reunions.

Mailing address:

The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
Alumni/Development Office
PO Box 2733
Durham, NC 27715-2733


NCSSM class of

Home address

Home phone


Company name

Work address

E-mail address

# of guests attending

Name(s) of guests

Name(s) of NCSSM faculty/staff you would like us to invite

Cocktail party, September 22
# of tickets _______ x $25 = _______
BBQ Picnic, September 23
# of tickets _______ x $ 8 = _______
Reunion parties, September 23
Class of 1985
# of tickets _______ x $30 = _______
Class of 1990
# of tickets _______ x $30 = _______
Class of 1995
# of tickets _______ x $25 = _______

For more information, contact Therese Taxis, 919 286-3366.

NCSSM Alumni