Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity
Post Office Box 2508
Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-2508
March 6, 1998
Mr. William Massey, Chairman
Board of Trustees
North Carolina School
of Science of Mathematics
220 South Eugene Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
Dear Chairman Massey:
The members of the Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics are pleased to present our report to you and the board.
We have taken your charge to us very seriously. In the attached report, we have outlined the process we used to gain an understanding of the many complex issues affecting fairness and diversity at the school. In fact, we have conservatively estimated that we have spent at least 1185 hours working on this challenge which you have presented to us.
While we certainly do not claim to be experts on the school even after spending more than six months of hard work learning about it, we believe we have produced a document which is fair and as accurate as a six-month study can be.
Now we present to you the challenge of taking our work product and evaluating our specific recommendations and areas for further study. We would expect a follow-up report every six months on the progress which you are making in dealing with the complex challenges facing NCSSM. We are ready and willing to cooperate further in every way possible, but we recognize the decision-making authority rests with you and the entire Board of Trustees.
We wish you the best of luck and success in the challenges you face and the decision you will be making in the weeks and months ahead.
With best regards,
Phillip J. Kirk, Jr. Chairman
NCSSM Independent Commission
for Fairness and Diversity
Kathleen Benzaquin
William C. Burkhardt
Ted Drain
Susan King
Valeria Lee
Leslie Bevacqua
Lou Woods
The North Carolina School
of Science and Mathematics
Independent Commission for Fairness
and Diversity
The North Carolina School
of Science and Mathematics
Board of Trustees
March 6, 1998
The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics ("NCSSM") opened 18 years ago with a high degree of optimism present about itthat members do not have a voice in the process of running the school.
The Commission questioned the schools mission and its potential for improving the teaching and student performance in science and mathematics.
The school has generally lived up to its earliest expectations. It has served as a model, not only for other states, but for a number of foreign countries. Students have benefited from an increased emphasis on science and mathematics and an aggressive outreach effort, especially in recent years, has reached into public schools across our state. Many parents have expressed a high degree of approval for the education their children have received at NCSSM, in addition to the non-academic skills they received here.
However the Commission found a school which has some challenges facing it as we move in to the 21st century. As the report indicates, there is concern about the future of the school. There is an expression by many that perhaps the school is no longer viewed as "the place" where innovation and the highest level of excellence in teaching and learning in mathematics and science occur in our state.
We recognize that NCSSM is a complicated undertaking. With 18 years experience and the launching of many similar schools based on this model, NCSSM is no longer a new or unique educational experiment. So just as it had growing pains in the early years, the school is clearly undergoing fundamental change and will likely have to continue to change to keep pace and to remain on the cutting edge of specialized secondary education.
There are tremendous differences in attitudes and morale among the faculty and staff. Some are extremely positive, motivated, and enthusiastic about the school. Others are pessimistic, negative, dejected, and have little hope for the future. Differing perspectives are also offered from alumni, students, parents, former employees and people in the community.
We would emphasize that educational institutions are frequently (if not always) fraught with tension between and among administrators, faculty, staff, and students. That is certainly the case at NCSSM and it is one which we believe revolves around the somewhat general subject of effective leadership.
One thing is certain and that is that there is a genuine hunger and desire for positive leadership across the campus. There needs to be a truce to the power struggle by all groups - external and internal -- and everyone is going to have to put aside personal differences and work together in order to enhance the future of the school.
The key issue is finding a process that will make sure major issues are addressed in a responsible but serious way, a process that does not set up unproductive confrontations and that recognizes that greater cooperation is required by all parties. No one has a lock on what is "right" and/or "best" for NCSSM now and in the future. That includes the director, the faculty and staff ho first opened the doors and dorms of the school, the board and the school's constituencies. We do believe that by working in a more cooperative manner, the future can be a promising one.
The primary mission of the Commission is outlined in the following excerpt from the Charge to the Commission.
"The primary mission of this Commission shall be to review and examine the North Carolina School of Science and mathematics operating environment. There should be particular and specific attention to the elements of fairness and demonstrated appreciation for diversity represented in the school community. Relevant policies and related pertinent documents will be made available along with appropriate access to students, faculty and staff to facilitate data collection. The Commission will respect all confidentiality laws and policies in conducting its activities."
(A copy of the complete text of the Charge to the Commission can be found inthe appendix.)
The Commission's original charge was to present a report to the Board of Trustees in December, 1997. After many hundreds of hours of work, we somewhat reluctantly decided to ask for a three-month extension, which was granted.
The Commission made every effort to talk with NCSSM administrators, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and students. Several opportunities were provided for public input, written comments were encouraged and all members of the Commission made themselves available for individual meetings and telephone conversations with those who expressed interest in the work of the Commission. (A complete listing of opportunities for input and a list of meeting dates and copies of the agendas are included in the appendix.) Additionally, the Commission asked for, received and reviewed hundreds of pages of documents about the school.
We did not have the staff, legal authority, time, or expertise to investigate every concern and to follow-up with all parties to ascertain the accuracy of every claim -- both the positives and the negatives. However, we must live with and address the overall impressions and perceptions we encountered during this process. We have strived to do that in an honest and accurate manner in our report.
What is critical to point out is the impact that perceptions carry at NCSSM. Much of what we have found is based on the school community's perceptions of various situations. While there is a basis of truth in many of these situations, there is often fact that refutes what is perceived. However, perceptions - left unaddressed - become the standard or are accepted as the truth. This is often the case at NCSSM.
The Board of Trustees has the tremendous challenge of figuring out how to leverage the overall excellent reputation of the school and the quality of its students and alumni in gaining the resources to enable it to remain on the leading or cutting edge in the fields of science and mathematics. Strong, imaginative, inclusive leadership and superior communication skills are absolutely essential if the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics is to continue as one of our state's "crown jewels" in education.
The report that follows includes findings and recommendations and is divided into seven topic areas including Communications, Administrative Structure, Leadership/Management Style, Recruitment of Personnel and Students, Board Involvement/Organization, Professional Development and Competing Interests.
We are optimistic that this report can serve as a guide to the school and to all of its many constituencies as we move into the 21st century.
We appreciate the cooperation which we have received throughout the process from the ad hoc committee of trustees, especially Jonathan Martin for his direction and wise counsel throughout the process. There were many administrative duties and numerous requests for information which were efficiently handled by the staff. We particularly want to thank Vickie McNeil and David Stein for their many contributions.
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Independent Commission
For Fairness and Diversity:
Phillip J. Kirk, Jr. Chairman
Kathleen Benzaquin
William C. Burkhardt
Ted Drain
Susan King
Valeria Lee
Charge to the CommissionA-1
Commission membersA-5
Opportunities for Public InputA-8
Meeting dates and agendasA-15
Special AcknowledgementsA-23
Charge Statement for
the NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversityestablished bythe NCSSM
Board of Trustees
Ad Hoc Committee
Ad Hoc Committee Members:
Jonathan Martin, chair
Carol Hughes
Bob Bridges
John Thomas
Denise Creech
Phillip Stiles
Mission of the Independent Commission
The trustees of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics are firmly committed to a community of fairness and opportunity; an environment in which every participant in the life of the school is challenged, respected, appreciated and commended for the contributions made to NCSSM. In affirming that the school provides an environment of fairness, it is appropriate from time to time that the Trustees establish an independent commission of distinguished and qualified North Carolinians to share observations and recommendations about the condition and operation of the institution. The primary mission of this commission shall be to review and examine the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics operating environment. There should be particular and specific attention to the elements of fairness and demonstrated appreciation for diversity represented in the school community. Relevant policies and related pertinent documents will be made available along with appropriate access to students, faculty and staff to facilitate data collection. The commission will respect all confidentiality laws and policies in conducting its activities.
Major Functions of the Commission
Scope of Authority
The independent commission members are to be guided by the NCSSM Board of Trustees Code of Ethics and applicable N.C. General Statutes on confidentiality and meetings found in the appendix. Any questions about such guidelines should be directed to the ad hoc committee.
When and if charges of mistreatment are brought forth, the scope of the commission's responsibility should entail determining if the offended party followed policies and procedures in place for reporting such incidents. The commission should tell students and employees that if they reveal certain types of information to the commission that it cannot be kept confidential. If information of this nature is brought forward, the commission should contact the ad hoc committee to facilitate the appropriate action to said complaint.
Commission Timeline for Study and Reporting
The timeline for the independent commission is established to effectuate efficiency in the completion of the study. Yet, this timeframe allows adequate time to thoroughly examine all issues that the commission deems important. Adherence to the timeline is important to the role that the Board of Trustees will play after the commission's final report is presented.
The timeline is as follows:
May 1,1997- Selection of the independent commission is complete. Introduction of the commission members at the Board of Trustees meeting in May.
May 1 - August 1, 1997- Independent commission shall organize its plan for the study.
August, 1997- Independent commission shall make a report of its plan for the study to the ad hoc committee. This is to include a request for support mechanisms that may be needed during the study.
August - November, 1997- Independent commission study shall take place.
November, 1997- Independent commission shall make a final report to the Executive Committee and ad hoc committee of the Board of Trustees. This report should be written with an executive summary.
December, 1997- Independent commission shall make a final report to the full Board of Trustees. This report should be written with an executive summary.
Budget for the Independent Commission
The independent commission is to be provided an expense allowance for the accomplishment of its responsibilities with the study. This is to include, but is not limited to, travel and lodging in relation to commission meetings and other responsibilities related to the study. This also includes an allowance for part-time clerical support to assist commission members when needed.
Any unforeseen expenses that arise during the course of the study should be reported to the ad hoc committee promptly to bring about immediate resolution of the situation.
Significance of the Commission Study
NCSSM was established by a multiplicity of visionary leaders from across the State of North Carolina. Their goal: to create a unique residential community to serve as a model of achievement and excellence in secondary public education. In serving as a model, the school must include promoting diversity and fairness as an important part of education. The findings of the independent commission will help advance that goal not only for NCSSM but for education throughout North Carolina.
These findings will not only be shared with Board of Trustees members but with the NCSSM community-at-large. This will guide the Board in continuing to take actions to maintain the areas of distinction and create vehicles of change for the areas of needed improvement. It also allows the community to celebrate areas of accomplishment and success to which all facets of the NCSSM community have contributed and played significant roles. The establishment of the commission inherently recognizes that any organization should strive for constant improvement; NCSSM is leading this charge.
In its effort to improve the NCSSM community where needed, the Board will also make the results of the commission available to various organizations linked not only to secondary education but other levels of education throughout the state. NCSSM has often served as the paradigm for educational excellence for schools around the world. With the independent commission for fairness and diversity, NCSSM will also lead the way in proving that when academia and equal opportunity co-exist, unfettered progress towards the future will inevitably follow.
NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity
Mr. Phillip J. Kirk, Jr., Chairman
North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry
PO Box 2508
Raleigh, NC 27602
Work 919-836-1407 Fax 919-836-1425
Ms. Kathleen Benzaquin
6511 Old Fort Road
Wilmington, NC 28405
Work - 910-962-4001
Mr. William C. Burkhardt
President & CEO
Austin Quality Foods
One Quality Lane
Cary, NC 27513
Work - 919-677-3278 Fax 919-677-0017
Mr. Ted Drain
1523 Beatties Ford Road
Charlotte, NC 28216
Home - 704-399-8316 Fax - 704-399-1336
Ms. Susan King
c/o The Hart Leadership Program
103 Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Box 90248 - Duke University
Durham, NC 27708
Work - 919-613-7348 Fax 919-681-8288
e-mail King@PPS.Duke.EDU
Ms. Valeria Lee
c/o The Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
101 Reynolda Village
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Work 910-725-7541
* Ms. Janora McDuffy
209 Kenan Residence Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
* Unable to participate in the work of the Commission because of schedule.
Leslie Bevacqua
Vice President of Governmental Affairs North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry
PO Box 2508
Raleigh, NC 27602
Work 919-836-1406 Fax 919-836-1425
Lou Woods
Administrative Assistant to the President
North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry
PO Box 2508
Raleigh, NC 27602
Work - 919-836-1410 Fax 919-836-1425
PHILLIP J. KIRK, JR., Chairman - President of North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry and Chairman of the State Board of Education. Mr. Kirk is a former Cabinet Secretary; former Chief of Staff to Governors Holshouser and Martin; former State Senator and former public school teacher. He currently serves on over 35 boards, commissions and committees.
KATHLEEN BENZAQUIN - Specialty Studies Faculty and Program Coordinator for the Teaching Fellows Program at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Prior to her work at UNC-CH and UNC-W, Ms. Benzaquin was Dean of Students and Head of Residential Life at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (1980-86).
WILLIAM C. BURT - President and CEO of Austin Quality Foods. Mr. Burkhardt has been active in many civic activities and is currently serving as vice Chairman of the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority and as a member of the Board of Trustees of Rex Healthcare.
TED DRAIN - Nationally know educator. Mr. Drain is the immediate past associate and interim superintendent of the Durham County Schools and has worked in K-12 public school education for 36 years.
SUSAN KING - Leader in Residence, Hart Leadership Program at Duke University. Ms. King is a former Senior Vice President of Corning Incorporated. She serves as a Trustee of Duke University, The National Public Radio Foundation, Eursaisia Foundation and other non-profit organizations. She is also a Director of the Coca-Cola Company and Guidant.
VALERIA LEE - Program officer for Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. Ms. Lee is a member of the Board of Trustees of North Carolina Central University and Vice Chair of the North Carolina Rural Development Center. She is a former member of the UNC Board of Governors and the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Center for Public Television.
LESLIE BEVACQUA - Vice President of Governmental Affairs, North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry.
LOU WOODS - Administrative Assistant, North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry.
1. The Commission provided the following opportunities on the campus at NCSSM for public comment:
September 15, 19973:30-7:00 p.m.
November 11, 199711:45-1:15 p.m.
January 9, 199812:00-1:30 p.m.
Attached is a list of all the individuals and groups who were notified of the September 15, 1997 public comment period (Attachment #1, pages A-10 - A-14).
Notification for the public comment periods on November 11 1997 and January 9, 1998 were sent to faculty, staff, students, alumni and parents via e-mail. Public notices ere also posted on the campus and the press was notified.
2. Representatives from the Commission sought additional opportunities to meet with interested parties.
October 9, 1997 - Kathleen Benzaquin visited the NCSSM campus for informal meetings with faculty, staff and students.
October 20, 1997 - Phil Kirk and Ted Drain met with the Distance Learning Department.
October 20, 1997 Phil Kirk and Ted Drain met with NCSSM newspaper staff.
November 11, 1997 Phil Kirk and Ted Drain met with Mandrill Taylor and representatives from NCSSM Student Government Association.
January 12, 1998 - Ted Drain met with NCSSM Charlotte Area Parents Association.
February 1, 1998 - Valeria Lee met with Parents Association on the campus of NCSSM.
3. Members of the Commission made it clear that they were willing to talk individually with anyone interested in NCSSM and a list including Commission members' names, addresses, office and home phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail numbers was circulated to students, alumni, former employees, parents, faculty, staff, and administrators.
4. On notifications that were sent out about public comment, the Commission also made it clear that they were happy to receive written comments.
5. The following people were specifically asked to appear before the Commission to make comments and respond to questions:
September 16, 1997
Sandy Rothschild, Legal Counsel
Joan Barker, Director of Student Life
Steve Warshaw, Director of Academic Programs
Rita Ware, Director of Development
Sally Adkin, Director of SPIRE
Ed McBride, Director of Operations
Mandrill Taylor - Student Government Association
November 11, 1997
Dr. John Friedrick, Executive Director
Dr. John Kolena, President, Faculty Council
Gracie Johnson, Director of Personnel
Dr. Charles Watts, Member NCSSM Education Advisory Council
Ms. Carr Agyapong, Member NCSSM Education Advisory Council
NCSSM Multi Cultural Peer Review Counselors
January 9, 1998
Dr. John Friedrick, Executive Director
Dr. John Kolena, President Faculty Council
Gracie Johnson, Director of Personnel
Attachment #1
NCSSM Independent Commission For Fairness and Diversity
On behalf of the Commission, Chairman Phillip J. Kirk, Jr., has sent letters inviting the following groups and individuals to appear before the Commission, if they so desire on Monday September 15, 1997 between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.:
Students - an open letter was sent to them via e-mail
Faculty - an open letter as sent to them via e-mail
Staff - an open letter was sent to them via e-mail
Alumni - an open letter was sent to them via e-mail -- the NCSSM maintains a list of alumni on their list serve
Individual letters were sent to the following:
Members of the Parents' Council
Mr. Pat Wingo
Mr. Gary Greenberg
Ms. Sue McGinnis
Ms. Jane Forde
Mr. Clay Moye
Ms. Laura O'Neil
Ms. Chris Gumbiner
Ms. Jean Kaplan
The Education Advisory Council
Mr. Ed Everhart (NCSSM)
Mr. John Goebel (NCSSM)
Ms. Carr Agyapong
Mr. William Anderson
Mr. Frank Crawley
Mr. Fred Eshelman
Dr. Robert Logan
Dr. Kenneth Olden
Ms. Cynthia Osterhaus
Dr. Jay Robinson
Dr. David Robinson
Dr. John Thomas
Supt. Mike Ward
Dr. Charles D. Watts
Dr. Jan Norwood
Dr. William Spooner
Dr. Robert Panoff
Members of the Board of Directors of the NCSSM
Mr. William Massey
Mr. Oscar Blanks
Mr. Robert Bridges
Mr. Chandler Bryan
Ms. Denise Creech
Dr. James Davis
Ms. Gertrude Elion
Mr. Newton Fowler
Mr. Randy Gregory
Ms. Carol Hughes
Ms. Helen R. Legette
Mr. William McEwen
Mr. Harold Martin
Mr. Jonathan Martin
Mr. James Peden
Mr. Richard Penegar
Mr. Richard Richardson
Mr. James Rose
Dr. Phillip Stiles
Mr. John Strohbehn
Ms. Linda Stroud
Mr. John Thomas
Mr. Nathaniel Vause
Mr. Marvin Ward
Notification and a copy of the "open letter" were sent to the following media:
Mr. Ed Brackett
Raleigh Correspondent
Asheville Citizen-Times
Mr. Bob Nowell
Chapel Hill Newspaper
Mr. Foon Rhee
Charlotte Observer
Mr. Jack Betts
Charlotte Observer
Mr. Al Clark
The Daily Reflector
Mr. William Hawkins
Durham Herald-Sun
Mr. Charles Broadwell
Fayetteville Observer-Times
Mr. Mark Sinneford
Fayetteville Observer-Times
Mr. John Cochran
Greensboro News and Record
Mr. Anders Gyllenhaal
The News and Observer
Mr. Rob Christensen
The News and Observer
Ms. Elizabeth Cook
The Salisbury Post
Mr. Charles Anderson
Wilmington Star News
Mr. Carl Crothers
Winston-Salem Journal
Mr. Paul O'Conner
Association of Afternoon Dailies
Mr. Dennis Patterson
Associated Press
Ms. Kirsten Mitchell
New York Times Bureau
Mr. David Kinney
Business North Carolina
Mr. Seth Effron
The Insider
Mr. Clayton Henkle
NC News Network
Mr. Tom Howe
N.C. Public TV
Ms. Bonnie Moore
Mr. Mark Casey
Mr. Brad Green
Mr. John Harris
Mr. Ron Miller
Mr. Rob Allman
Political Reporter
WPTF Radio
Political Reporter
NC Public Radio
Mr. Leonard Johnson
Challenger Newspaper
Mr. Richard Martin
Cherokee One Feather
Kelly Arteaga
African News Weekly
Bernard Legette
The Fayetteville Black Journal
Mr. John Culbreth
The Robesonian
Managing Editor
The Carolinian
The following individuals were sent letters asking them to appear before the commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997.
Dr. John Friedrick 8:30-9:00
Executive Director
Sandy Rothschild 9:00-9:30
Legal Counsel
Ms. Joan Barber 9:15-9:30
Director of Student Life
Mr. Steve Warshaw 9:30-9:45
Director of Academic Programs
Ms. Rita Ware 9:45-10:00
Director of Development
Ms. Sally Adkin 10:00-10:15
Director of SPIRE
Mr. Ed McBride 10:15-10:30
Director of Operations
Mr. Mandrill Taylor 10:30-10:45
SGA President
Dr. John Kolena 10:45-11:00
President of Faculty Council
Additional note: David Stein, Director of communications at NCSSM contacted the media regarding the meetings on Monday and Tuesday to comply with the open meetings law.
June 9, 1997 - Initial meeting of the Commission
September 5, 1997 - Introduction of Commission to Board of
Trustees followed by brief organizational meeting.
September 15, 19973:00 - 7:00p.m.
September 16, 19978:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
November 11, 19978:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
January 9, 19988:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
February 10, 19989:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
February 23, 199810:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
March 6, 19989:30 a.m. - Report to Board of Trustees
Independent Commission for Fairness and DiversityNorth Carolina School of Science and MathematicsFriday, September 5, 1997
Welcome Phil Kirk
Housekeeping Matters
1. Schedule
2. Expenses
Public Input Plans
Discussion of Materials
NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness-and Diversity
Monday, September 15, 1997 - 3:00-7:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks Phil Kirk, Chairman
Introduction of Commission members
Presentation/Information regarding open meetings law Sandy Rothschild, Legal Counsel
Public Comment Period 3:30-7:00 p.m.
Following adjournment of the Commission meeting, members of the Commission will gather for an informal dinner at the Washington Duke Inn in the Sanford Room. (From NCSSM take Club Boulevard west and at the end go left on Hillandale and go a couple of blocks -- go right on Erwin -- go to the end and take left on Cameron Boulevard at next intersection go right into hotel parking lot.
Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity
Tuesday, September 16
8:30Phil Kirk D. Carr Agyapong, Senior Program Communications Office, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Member NCSSM Education Advisory Council
10:45Ms. Gracie Johnson, Director of Personnel, NCSSM
11:00Multi Cultural Peer Review Counselors
11:45Public Comments (working lunch - lunch provided)
1:15Dr. Charles D. Watts, Retired Senior vice President and Medical Director, Member NCSSM Education Advisory Council
1:30Committee discussion/Future directions
NOTE:Meeting with Executive Committee of Student Government Association at 3:30 p.m.
NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity
Bryan Conference Room at NCSSM
Friday, January 9, 1998
8:45Call to order -- brief overview of agenda
9:00Dr. John Friedrick
11:00Dr. John Kolena
12:00Public comment period -- working lunch
1:30Ms. Gracie Johnson
2:15Committee discussionFuture directions
NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity
Bryan Conference Room at NCSSM
Tuesday, February 10, 1998
9:00 a.m. - Work session
NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity
Washington Duke Hotel
Monday, February 23, 1998
10:00 a.m.Work Session
1:30 p.m.Meeting with Ad Hoc Committee
The NCSSM Independent Commission for Fairness and Diversity would like to give special acknowledgement to the following people at the North Carolina School of Science and mathematics for their assistance in the work of the Commission.
Vickie McNeil, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director
David Stein, Director of Communications
Sandy Rothschild, Legal Counsel
Administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents and alumni of NCSSM and members of the community who shared their observations, comments and suggestions with the Commission.