Exercise 5: Writing a gauge field
Goals: Write files using QDP I/O
Concepts: I/O write, Subsets
Directory: $HOME/examples/05-writing-gauge
How to: $ cd $HOME/examples/05-writing-gauge
$ make
$ submit plaquette /scratch/data/propagator_8x8x8x16 new-gauge

Now let us write some new gauge field files. QDP provides different modes for writing data files. For this reason QDP_open_write() takes an extra argument, volfmt describing what kind of file is to be written. On Blue Gene we can safely use QDP_SINGLEFILE. Presently there are two file formats supported by QDP:

/* volume formats */

The begining of write-gauge.c is similar to read-gauge.c from the previous exercise. We start with associating a writer with a file name on line 10, then write an array of four lattice matrices into it on line 16 and close the writer at line 17.

  1   #include <qdp-config.h>
3 int
4 write_gauge(char *name, QDP_ColorMatrix *link[])
5 {
6 QDP_String *id = QDP_string_create();
7 QDP_Writer *writer;
9 QDP_string_set(id, "write_gauge file metadata");
10 writer = QDP_open_write(id, name, QDP_SINGLEFILE);
11 if (writer == 0) {
12 printf0("open_write(%s) failed\n", name);
13 return 1;
14 }
15 QDP_string_set(id, "write_gauge record metadata");
16 QDP_vwrite_M(writer, id, link, 4);
17 QDP_close_write(writer);
18 QDP_string_destroy(id);
19 return 0;
20 }

In main() we start with reading the gauge on line 40, computing our favorite plaquette on line 46 and printing it at line 49.

 39   /* read gauge field */
40 if (read_gauge(U, argv[1]) != 0) {
41 printf0("ERROR: read_gauge(%s)\n", argv[1]);
42 goto end;
43 }
45 /* Compute plaquette */
46 plaq = plaquette(U);
48 /* Display the value */
49 printf0("initial plaquette = %g\n",
50 plaq / (QDP_volume() * QDP_Nc * NDIM * (NDIM - 1) / 2 ));

Our next step is to make a random link on sites where x+y+z+t is even (that is what QDP_even stands for. Yes, there is also QDP_odd. The formerly magical QDP_all stands for all sites on the lattice. You can even define your own set of points on a lattice with QDP_create_subset(), but it is beyond the scope of our exercise). Notice that we are being frugal here: the random link is created only on even sites on line 53. On lines 56 and 57 we multiply U[0] by force and store the result back to U[0]. The new value of the plaquette is computed on line 60.

 35     /* allocate and initialize random state */
36 rs = QDP_create_S();
37 init_random(rs, 32582657);
52 /* random link at even sites */
53 random_link(force, rs, QDP_even);
55 /* update U[0] at even sites */
56 QDP_M_eq_M_times_M(link, force, U[0], QDP_even);
57 QDP_M_eq_M(U[0], link, QDP_even);
59 /* compute and print the new plaquette */
60 plaq = plaquette(U);
61 printf0("new plaquette = %g\n",
62 plaq / (QDP_volume() * QDP_Nc * NDIM * (NDIM - 1) / 2));

Freshly updated gauge field is stored into file argv[2] on line 65.

 64     /* write U to a new file */
65 if (write_gauge(argv[2], U) != 0) {
66 printf("ERROR: write_gauge(%s)\n", argv[2]);
67 goto end;
68 }
