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Assessing Eukaryotic Microbial Genetic Diversity Along Natural and Artificial Nutrient Gradients in the Ocean

Sandra T. Chow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139;
Work conducted in the laboratory of Prof. Penny Chisholm, Parsons Laboratory

Non-Scientific Abstract

Phytoplankton are one-celled organisms that live in either fresh or salt water and perform photosynthesis. They are responsible for about 40% of the planetıs total annual photosynthetic production.However, it is very difficult to measure the number of species of phytoplankton and how many of each kind there are in a sample of seawater. In the past, phytoplankton diversity assessment has been done by looking at physical characteristics, but microorganisms are often very small and very similar looking.Particular gene sequences, however, are usually unique to species. The goal of this study was to develop a method, using new highly sensitive and efficient molecular biology techniques, to assess the genetic diversity in complex marine eukaryotic microbial communities and to assess the protocolıs efficacy. Such a method would be important for measuring microbial community structure across naturally occurring and artificially generated differences in the ocean.A method was developed to get the DNA from the cells, make many copies of the DNA with a label on one end, and cut the DNA.Using T-RFLP (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism), a machine can plot how long each fragment of DNA is (just the piece that is labeled) by how many there are. Theoretically, each fragment length should be unique to each species.All steps were completed with exception of T-RFLP, which is still in progress. Each step was developed successfully except for the amplification of the DNA.


There is a growing debate among scientists whether iron fertilization in the oceans will lead to more carbon fixation by the oceanıs phytoplankton. As a result, it is more important than ever to develop a quick, easy, and accurate way to assess phytoplankton diversity and community structure. Historically, marine microbial organisms have been characterized morphologically though it is difficult to differentiate some groups using morphological criteria because of their small size and lack of distinctive taxonomic characteristics. The goal of this study was to develop a protocol, using new highly sensitive and efficient molecular biology techniques, to assess the genetic diversity in complex marine eukaryotic microbial communities and to assess the protocolıs efficacy. Given their extreme diversity, eukaryotic phytoplankton was used as a model community to study microbial marine genetic diversity. The resulting protocol includes: cell filtration,DNA extraction, PCR amplification, restriction digests, and T-RFLP.All steps were completed with exception of T-RFLP, which is still in progress. Successful DNA extraction and restriction digest methods were found that worked for all species tested, though there were some problems with PCR amplification, including preferential amplification and non-specific PCR products.