CHYRA: When the Broken isn't busy being evil, PARTY: Being evil, CHYRA: Or invoking his unwholesome little plans, PARTY: Little plans, CHYRA: His position as a tragic mediaeval PARTY: Mediaeval CHYRA: Is just as sad as any normal man's. PARTY: Normal man's. CHYRA: Our feelings we with difficulty smother PARTY: 'Culty smother CHYRA: When adventurary duty's to be done. PARTY: To be done. CHYRA: Ah, take one consideration with another, PARTY: With another, CHYRA: A fighter's lot is not a happy one. ALL: Ah, when adventurary duty's to be done, to be done, A fighter's lot is not a happy one, happy one. CHYRA: When the enterprising orc is not out orcing PARTY: Not out orcing CHYRA: When the goblin's not engaged in causing woe, PARTY: Causing woe, CHYRA: He loves to sit at placid needleworking, PARTY: Needleworking, CHYRA: And listen to the merry breezes blow. PARTY: Breezes blow. CHYRA: When the snake-man's finished jumping on his mother, PARTY: On his mother, CHYRA: He loves to lie a-basking in the sun. PARTY: In the sun. CHYRA: Ah, take one consideration with another, PARTY: With another, CHYRA: A fighter's lot is not a happy one. ALL: Ah, when adventurary duty's to be done, to be done, A fighter's lot is not a happy one, happy one.