It was in this time the young King Radwin, still new come to his throne in Tzalmir, set out on day to see these far away lands, that he might know them and deal with them fairly. Radwin rode out not as a King, but in the guise of an ordinary traveller. He rode West to the lands of Nirian and gazed upon the Blue Tower, North to the Nonning Forest and the Glass Castle, East almost to the Sea of Storms and South to the Mountains of Kraerkorag. Everywhere he went, Radwin found himself called upon to mediate disputes over land and law and property as cities and towns began to form themselves into countries and nations, and in time, Radwin became known as Radwin the Wise. But for every dispute Radwin settled, he knew there were many more that were many more which went unheard and unsettled, for he was but one man and could not be everywhere. This Radwin knew, and it grieved him.
One day, as he was riding far off in the South, Radwin came upon and old man harping and the song was the most beautiful and the most mournful song he had ever heard. Radwin was so moved, that he asked the man to tell him why he grieved so.
The man, whose name was Tiron, told of a beautiful garden and grove that he had tended his entire life as had his as had his father before him and his father before him. In the garden was one of each flower in the Land and in the grove was the first tree. But with the spread of men through the land and the warring that comes with the founding of nations his garden and his grove was sure to be destroyed and his family left without their home. Now Radwin had brought peace to many of the nearby lands, and so he rode back among them and called for their help that this grove and garden might be made safe for all time, and many did come, and first among them were the men of the wood.
Thus through Radwin's efforts was land set aside for this grove and garden for all time and by the High King's decree none were to lay claim to this grove as part of their land. In gratitude for their aid, Tiron laid a blessing upon the Men of the Wood that they always be ruled justly and fairly, and to Radwin, he pledged his service as herald and harper for as long as it was needed. Radwin was greatly pleased by this and returned with Tiron to Tzalmir. Tiron served for many years as Radwin's Herald travelling troughout the Land as Radwin once had. Tiron was said to always know Radwin's will no matter where he was and he mediated disputes in Radwin's name.
And in time an Order of Heralds was born of that first Herald: men who travelled the Land in the name of the Tzalin Kings mediating disputes in their name and representing their will to all. The Heralds were greeted with honor and courtesy and none could hinder their passage, for the spoke for the Tzalin Kings themselves. Even in later days, when the Tzalin Kings were no longer considered rulers over all, the Heralds were still respected. Indeed in the time of the War of Ambition before the Accord brought peace to the Land, the Heralds were said to be the only men who could travel unhindered throughout the entire Land.
The Heralds served the Tzalin Kings faithfully for nearly fifteen hundred years and the position of Master of the Heralds was passed from father to son, in one unbroken line from Tiron to the last Master of the Heralds, Loran Songweaver, until both the Herald line and the Tzalin line were ended on the same day. But that is another story...