After they all died, a battle mage of a different tradition, Fire rather than Air, took the throne and defeated all who challenged her, earning the right to rule Pdallar and lead the Pdallan people to honor against thier long time enemy, Cliffsfall. Her name was Ember.
The story is also joined by a Necromancer. The most powerful Necromancer who ever walked the Land, he was, but sadly the thing he wanted to do was restart the sun, and this was not in his special effect. Therefore, he went to Ember and got all sorts of advice, and even a good sized pile of vis. In exchange he found a ghost and interrogated him to find his treasure and gave Ember the Necklace of Fire in payment for her help.
And so the sun was restarted and Pdallar geared up for war and all was good.
Then, the Necromancer discovered, quite accidentally, that the line of rulers of Pdallar killed by Ghoras's bile worms did not die out entirely. After some detective work, the Truly Powerful and Brilliant Necromancer discovered that a daughter of the house had been kidnapped when she was young. She was kidnapped by pirates and taken away to live with them for years. It came to pass that she fell in love with the captain of these pirates. They were even lucky enough to be touched by a certain Finger of Geskekulud who gave them spiffy powers.
This got confusing when it was noticed that not only was the pirate of her dreams a wandering blue champion who could not fly, but he was also the exiled King of Cliffsfall, who decided to return and free his people from Ghoras once Ghoras died and was not likely to come and bile worm him. Seeing that Ghoras recently died, this proved to be bad timing.
Now our sadly deluded and lovesick kidnapped princess of Pdallar with special powers in addition to her normal armimentia of battle mageness, whose name is Dianora by the way, was never really told that Pdallar and Cliffsfall were mortal enemies since she was kidnapped right before history class, and therefore thought nothing of making sure her nation and the nation of her friend the pirate never came to war. She therfore, went to Ember, Queen of Pdallar, and said, "We should not fight Cliffsfall because that would be bad." Ember of course replied, "Who the Heck are you! Get out of here!!!" Dianora said, "I gave you a chance, now I'm going to have to try and talk you into giving me the throne, for I am Dianora, Princess of Pdallar. (Or at least that is what the Cliffsfall people told me...)"
Now Ember decided that this foolishness had to end, so she challenged Dianora to a duel of magic for the throne. (With the Necklace of Fire in addition to her own awesome powers, she could not lose.) Dianora however was nowhere to be found and could thus not accept the offer of an Honorable Duel.
The reason Dianora was nowhere to be found was that she went off to the Red Church and said, "Mr. Red Warrior sir, I'm Dianora and I want the throne of Pdallar and Ember won't give it to me." Sadly, the Red Warrior was not quite paying attention to the deatils and said, "What!!! Ember will not allow you the Right of Honorable Duel!! Oh most Foul!! Call upon Chthon, and he will send the Sneaky Assassins out to deal with this Honorless Queen." And so it came to pass that Chthon, minion of the Red Warrior, contacted the Sneaky Assassins and had them go after poor innocent Queen Ember.
It was about this time that our hero, the Great and Powerful Necromancer, decided to beat on the Demon Wraith in Vendillon. He realized however, that even given his great and powerful nature, it would be nice to have a real live battle mage to back him up. Since he only knew three people who might qualify as a battle mage and one of them was a Godslayer and the other was busy helping people fight Dragons in the Maw, he called upon the third, Ember of Pdallar. And the two of them set off and struck a mighty blow to the Demon Wraith and it came to pass that Ember the battle mage did indeed save the Necromancer's life, or soul, or whatever it is that Necromancer's have, and it was good.
It then came to pass that as our hero the Necromancer was walking his friend the battle mage home after thier noble battle with Evil, the Sneaky Assassins chose to strike. They struck a blow most foul, but luckily the Great and Powerful Necromancer was on hand to fix Ember right up just in the nick of time.
Thus it was decided that in exchange for her assistance with the Demon Wraith, the Necromancer would get to the bottom of this Sneaky Assassin nonsense, and put an end to it. First, they dodged a few more assassination attempts and then set up Really Amazing Security at Queen Ember's castle.
Once more applying his incredible mind to the probelm, and quite a few ghosts, the Necromancer discovered that the attempts were coming from the Red Church. When confronted, the Red Warrior claimed that Ember was avoiding Honorable Duel, and Ember explained that she had been trying for a week to arrange a duel and Dianora was always busy. The Red Warrior said, "Oh." And so it came to pass that Chthon, Minion of the Red Warrior, was told to send word to the Sneaky Assassins and have them call off the attacks. And so the Great and Powerful Necromancer returned to his Dread Lair convinced that all was well.
Unfortunately, the carrier pigeon sent by Chthon to the Sneaky Assassins stopped for lunch along the way and the word arrived too late and the Sneaky Assassins managed to bypass the Amazing Security and poison Ember and steal her head.
And so it was that the Necromancer was summoned to Pdallar to once more look upon Ember (though this was the first time he had seen her without a head) and pronounce that she was indeed well and truly dead. Bummer.
And the Dread Lord Necromancer of Kraerkorag went to Chthon, Minion of the Red Warrior of Shagras and said, "What happened?" and Chthon said, "Oops."
Thus ended the story of Ember of Pdallar and Sneaky Assassins and their involvment with the Great and Powerful Necromancer.