The Legend of the Twins

Lo it was, in days long before the desecration of Ingram the Mad, that identical twin girls were born in Sioden to a priestess of Shagras and a priest of the Unnamed. They were called Elia and Danora. Blessings from both sects were heaped upon them and they grew up strong and skilled in the arcane arts. There were high hopes that they would become great prophets of the Six.

As they reached marriageable age, the suitors came from far and wide, for the two had become famed for their beauty and their power within the Red and Black churches. None of these men held such alure as a mysterious Underman, who was said to be a powerful necromancer. As the days passed, the man spent more and more time with the two women. They fell in love with him and he with they. He refused to make a decision between them, saying he loved them both equally. The women, being far more sensible than he, agreed to hold a contest between them without the man's knowledge to decide.

The contest was to be a race of sorts. The first one to present a jar of Darkness from the Maw at the temple of the Unnamed would be the victor. Elia left immediately, considering her skill and determination to be sufficient preparation. Danora waited for her sister's retreat into the Maw, and then left to find the man. She requested from him a jar of Darkness to present at the temple, and because he loved her and suspected no deceit, he did as she asked.

The Maw is a dangerous place for mortals, and it took Elia nearly a month to complete her task. Upon return, she discovered that not only had Danora used trickery to win the contest, but that she had already married the man, telling him and their family that Elia had died in the Maw. With the marriage vows already spoken, it was too late for Elia to object. Elia was so enraged by such betrayal that she screamed a scream that curdled all the milk in Sioden. She left her family for good that day and swore her vengeance on them all.

Whether Elia succeeded and justice was served is unknown.