the Inworlds


While by no means comparable to the heights they soared to during the time of the First Hegemony, the Linked Worlds have done a lot to recover from the violence of its fall. Space travel is strong again, and the trade between worlds continues to increase the standards of living on all of the Linked Worlds.

Still, fortune favors the cautious in this new civilization. The political map is fractured between the Red and Blue Hegemons, and the worlds that bow to neither. A vast underworld has developed based upon the trade of psychoactive drug ``White'', and those who can manufacture it, the Blacklords. Crime is whatever the local rulers define as crime, and punishments vary from token payments to death.

On the other hand, for those hearty and willing to work, work is plentiful. In the seats of the Hegemons, it's actually well regulated. Even local warlords such as those found on Stannis' Law or HighGuard recognize the usefulness of trade, and protect those ships in their space. Treaties, growing stronger by the year, often guarantee the safety of those travelling through neighboring systems, provided no serious offenses are committed.

Times are hard, but unlike in the Outworlds, much of the High Technology still remains or is being rediscovered even now. A slow process, given the devestation of the Shattering and the leftovers of the infowars that followed, but the bureaucracy of the first Hegemony has been eliminated, and those with the ability to get ahead often do, provided they are willing to seize life rather than wait for it.


The two Hegemons are actually fairly evenly matched in terms of absolute power. While the Blue Hegemon attempts to maintain dominion over a larger number of planets, the Red Hegemon's holdings include both Riden and Tinara, two of the most advanced of the Linked Worlds.

The last remaining link between the two powers, technically always at war, is the major spine connection between HighGuard and Nurl. Given the dangers of severing the Linked worlds from each other along the spine by having a pitched battle near the jump gate, the two powers have fallen back to a war of propaganda and harassment. (Pretty much the only thing all systems agree upon are the sanctity of the jumpgates. The most hated factions will band together to destroy anyone who threatens a jumpgate with destruction, and accidental destructions just after the Shattering have caused all combat near a jumpgate to become anathema. No jumpgate has ceased functioning in the last 112 years when the connection between Sundown and Tinara was closed forever in the last great fleet battle between the Red and Blue Hegemons.)

One True Hegemon

Seated on Riden, the One True Hegemon, Shaddam Marchant II, claims dominion over Riden, Tinara, Gateway, and Nurl. Though while the Blacklord of Gateway does bow to him in public, the people of Gateway know where their ``government'' is.

Last Heir to the Hegemony

Seated on New Light, the Last Heir to the Hegemony, Doraine Melcamot, is said to be the last surviving blood relative of one of the first Hegemons, though which is unclear. The ``Blue Hegemony'' claims New Light, HighGuard, Tyrell's Folly, Sundown, and Juice.

Date and Time

Timekeeping among multiple systems is difficult to keep synchronized, given the disparity in local planetary rotation. The current method of timekeeping dates back to the Alliance, and nearly everywhere uses it from historical inertia.

``Year'' and ``day'' are local terms, dependent on planetary rotation and revolution. Places with inconveniently sized days may also have something like a local ``cycle'' to keep track of workday-sized chunks of time. ``Hour'' and ``minute'' are standard terms (there are sixty minutes in an hour). Also standard terms are ``tick'' (twenty-four hours) and ``zed'' (365.25 ticks).

Local time would generally be something like ``Winter 15, 14:30'' --- most places have month-like chunks, and local time which counts from 0 (midnight) to whatever number of hours the day ends at, truncating the last hour before midnight to be an arbitrarily short number of minutes.

Standard time is of the form 1873.178.13.09 AS (zed, tick, hour, minute).

The date, as of when you were last paying attention, was 2778.073.12.00 AS.


While many planets maintain their monetary systems on computer networks, hard currency is the most reliable way to move wealth from system to system. The most common form of hard currency is the Aster. Asters are minted and issued by most governments throughout the Linked Worlds to facilitate trade between them. Think of an Aster as the equivalent of 10 dollars.

On a single planet, Asters may be used, though the planets with higher technology might resort to solely electronic currency, or plasticine chits for daily transactions. The metallic Aster is intended to be a common exchange between various planets so its value is fixed by its weight and good anywhere as for a small fee even Asters of enemy planets can be melted down and reforged. Local currencies, be they credits, chits, or software vary in value and Aster conversions depending upon the political/economic climates.


The lingua franca of the Linked Worlds is Integral, an elegant language which allows for enough shading of meaning to write poetry, and enough precision that legal documents can be written in only a few pages and understood by normal humans. The Tinoori have their own language, but the few travelling Tinoori speak Integral and tend to keep their own language private. Most inworlds also have a local dialect, which is comprehensible to outsiders when spoken slowly, but is otherwise difficult to follow [Language skills are one point. A true language, such as Tinooranthi, requires eight levels for full fluency; a dialect only requires three levels]. Riden, New Light, Gateway, Craterrock, and Sundown do not have local dialects.


Religious beliefs are generally a minority view, but there are several religions which have followings across most to all of the planets:



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