Laura Baldwin has had a long career as a creator of genre-based entertainment. She has written and directed three episodic series: Star Frontiers: Nova Force (1987-1993), a space opera with some similar elements to Hippocratic Oath and a major influence for M. Jospeph Brzezinski's Nineveh 5; Tzalmir (1994-1998), an multimedia epic high fantasy with a massive cast; and Call of Cthulhu: Down the Path of Madness (1999-2002), a Lovecraftian horror series. Laura has also written five feature films: Positions of Power (1988), Dark Over Darkover (1989), Epilogue (1991), Five Minutes to Midnight (1992), and Calypso (1996) (also co-written with Michael Person), as well as seven short films. She has also acted in roles too numerous to list, the most famous of which is Security Chief Melanie Bronson in System Shock 2 (1998).
Laura's superpowers enable her to be in three places at once.