Split Decision The Hippocrates takes Kith to Creek for her Wisewoman's exam; the crew travel to the mysterious village of Fernwash, where they hope to learn more about the Deciders.
A Syncronicty of Smeerps On Rupert's Hole, where people, fauna, and perhaps the planet itself enjoy remarkable luck, the crew of the Hippocrates encounter a psionic theorist and a number of remarkable creatures.
Triangular Pegs, Square Holes A psionic experiment gone awry causes the crew members to swap bodies and personalities. On Creek, the Grandmothers of Fernwash introduice the crew to their Decider acquaintences.
Don't Shoot, Don't Shoot! The crew returns to Pierogi to face down its vengeful loa and tie up some personal loose ends. Elmer Triconian fulfils his promise to lead the Hippocrates to the famed pirate ship Inopportune Moment.
Thin Red Line On Crux, the crew have a run-in with the pro-alien Golden Ascension party. The Hippocrates helps defend Sparta and its jumpgate from the Decider fleet.
Live Fire Exercises The crew's attempts to discover who planted a bug in the Nonesuch mail lead to exciting encounters with several of Ace's old acquaintences. On Vircus, Sophia (and her associates) are asked to judge the trainees' graduation competition.
Swimsuit Edition: Hive Queens and Hegemons The crew visit the dolphins of Juice and their newly-born whales, then follow a prophetic nursery rhyme to the Pole to learn more about how to save humanity from the coming Flames.
A Fistful of Nummies On Tinara, the crew helps OmniNet with an experiment, meets Maury's mother, and learns news of Dr. Cain's chimera. On Riden, Jayla encounters a secret religious society, Dr. Kye receives an award, a master theif steals a Brocoah artifact, and Sook's friend Phaeton leads the crew to uncover a Terran plot.
ENTS The Hippocrates goes to Nurl to make contact with the supposedly-extinct Brohcoah.
Double Cross Max is invited to a Citizen's wedding on the Well; the crew renews their acquaintence with the underground resistence movement, which has been having unforeseen difficulties.
Imaginary Friends, Part 1 The Hippocrates has a new crew member who has always been part of the crew. They rescue a ship fleeing from the Well, then follow the Pirate's Key to Craterrock, where they find a Scout memorial on the planet and a giant derelict spaceship in the asteroid belt.
Imaginary Friends, Part 2 Ace and Sophia take the Tinoori to Tyrell's Folly for a memorial service; they receive a message from the Hippocrates warning them that the crew is under a mysterious influence, and are surprised to hear of Mirris's existence. Mirris's confession leads to unforeseen complications, but all (eventually) ends happily. A dead physicist bequeaths an OMNIHEDRON to Sophia.
Black and Gold A redliner experiment goes awry due to the strange space/time effects of Sophia's OMNIHEDRON. On Gateway, the crew investigates a Momento Mori dig, which they suspect to be the "bowl" of the Juice visions, with chaotic consequences. Katya goes to Klothos for the dose of Black needed for the Kaufman research.
Publicity Stunts Having turned off the "bowl" and "star," the Hippocrates takes Jim to Tyrell's Folly to be examined by the Tinoori there for judgement on his sentience. Dr. Cain reappears with another unnatural scheme.
The Last Drop On Stannis' Law, the crew uncovers a Terran network of double agents. Jim attends the opening of a Sparky Cola bottling plant. Lord Stannis reveals the secret of Katya's heritage, and Geoffrey Oxford provides an unexpected gift.
War Without Beginning The crew must break into a Terran stronghold on the Well to rescue Donella, bending time itself in a race to save humanity!