
(This is for reference in case it's needed. Not everyone on board has been fully briefed on the deathtraps.)

Deathtrap Defenses For Hippocrates Computer Core
Mechanics info:

1) Pick the locations that you want to set up the deathtraps in.  

2) Describe the type of deathtrap you want to put there, how it's
   generally triggered, and so on.  In general, deathraps in hallways
   and rooms will be pretty obvious, unless you start doing ship
   construction work to build them into the walls.

3) Decide how much you want to install now and how much wants to be
   installed later in an emergency.   For pre-installed things, how is
   it armed?   

4) Make a prep roll with Pre/Mind, Deathtraps, and KS: Hippocrates for
   design *for each deathtrap*. 

5) Building/installing requires a roll with Pre/Body and Deathtraps *for
   each deathtrap*. 

6) For hidden-in-the-walls deathtraps: 

   Building/installing requires a roll with Pre/Body and Deathtraps
   *for each deathtrap*, and a roll with Pre/Body and Starship
   Engineering to make it part of the structure.  If you want them to
   be hard to see, make the deathtrap roll for 8s instead, and also
   make a Pre/Body roll with Smuggling and Concealment.


1) Trap 1: Immobilizer in computer core
   Hidden dispenser in the ceiling shoots a metal net with lots of
   little hooks on it around the core itself (10'x10' sized).  Does not
   cover the outside edges of the room.  Once deployed, it sends an
   electric shock at regular intervals (taser-like) to make you lose
   Hidden.  Pre-installed.  Armed when net is loaded.
   Triggered by stepping on floor near computer core.
   Prep roll: 7 successes
   Build/install: 6 successes
   Engineering: 5 successes
   Concealment: 12 successes

2) Trap 2: Doorway blocker for computer core
   Drops a big (doorway sized) and heavy spiky metal mesh just inside
   the door.  Mesh gives cover (+1 difficulty) to shots going in or out
   of the room, but otherwise does not block sight or sound, just
   Non-hidden.  Pre-installed.  Armed when blocker bar is removed, thus
   allowing mesh to drop.
   Triggered by object breaking plane of doorway (electric eye).
   Prep roll: 7 successes
   Build/install: 8 successes
   Engineering: 5 successes

3) Trap 3: Gun emplacements around the room
   Various wall and ceiling mounted standard blasters that shoot anyone
   who approaches the core.
   Non-hidden.  Pre-installed.  Armed by putting blasters into holders.
   Triggered by touching the core itself.
   Prep roll: 8 successes
   Build/install: 6 successes
   Engineering: 7 successes

4) Trap 4: Ground spikes in core hallway
   Sharp spikes come up from the floor plates in the hall.  Slows
   movement or take damage.
   Hidden.  Pre-installed.  **See below for arming and triggering.
   Prep roll: 7 successes
   Build/install: 5 successes
   Engineering: 8 successes
   Concealment: 8 successes

5) Trap 5: Alchemical release in core hallway
   Alchemical sprayers in the walls with Deja Vu.
   Hidden.  Pre-installed.  **See below for arming and triggering.
   Prep roll: 7 successes
   Build/install: 5 successes
   Engineering: 6 successes
   Concealment: 7 successes

6) Trap 6: Fake trap in core hallway.
   Looks like a big pair of metal jaws that might swing down and chomp
   on you.  It looks real, but only appears to have a triggering
   Not hidden.  Pre-installed.  Never armed.
   No triggering mechanism.
   Prep roll: 6 successes
   Build/install: 5 successes
   Engineering: 7 successes

7) Trap 7: Swinging blades from core hallway ceiling.
   A bunch of blades suspended at ceiling level swing down to chop
   anything underneath.
   Not hidden.  Pre-installed.  Armed by removing straps that hold
   blades in secure position. **
   Prep roll: 8 successes
   Build/install: 7 successes
   Engineering: 8 successes

8) Trap 8: Slicing blades from core hallway walls.
   A bunch of blades come out from the walls at approximately knee
   height (but not all the same height) designed to hurt victims'
   legs (thus slowing them).  
   Hidden.  Pre-installed.  **See below for arming and triggering.
   Prep roll: 6 successes
   Build/install: 7 successes
   Engineering: 9 successes
   Concealment: 6 successes

**Traps 4, 5, 7, and 8 are all triggered by touching certain randomly
  placed floor plates and wall sections (including ceiling panels for
  trap #5).  They are armed by default.  To prevent triggering, I put
  down a hard overlay over the corridor floor with support points on the
  non-triggering tiles.  To arm, I just lift up the overlay panels and
  toss them.  Similarly, wall panels can be used to cover over the
  triggering panel sections and just taken down to arm.  (I'm not going
  to worry about covering over ceiling trigger tiles.)

9) Trap 9: Fake trap on the bridge.
   Falling net trap.
   Not-hidden.  Preinstalled.  Never armed.  No trigger.
   Prep roll: 7 successes
   Build/install: 8 successes

10) Trap 10: Fake trip in engineering.
    Electrified wire trap, looks like it will drop high voltage wires on
    Not-hidden.  Preinstalled.  Never armed.  No trigger.
    Prep roll: 5 successes
    Build/install: 6 successes

11) Trap 11: Fake trap in corridor, level 4, port side, next to bridge.
    Bizarre whirlygig of death suspended at ceiling level.
    Not-hidden.  Preinstalled.  Never armed.  No trigger.
    Prep roll: 6 successes
    Build/install: 6 successes

12) Trap 12: Fake trap in corridor, level 4, starboard side, next to bridge.
    Giant mallet mounted on ceiling track, looks like a big whack-a-mole
    Not-hidden.  Preinstalled.  Never armed.  No trigger.
    Prep roll: 7 successes
    Build/install: 7 successes

13) Trap 13: Caltrops dispenser.
    Box shaped object that shoots out caltrops in random directions.
    Not-hidden.  Not installed, but prebuilt and kept in storage.
    Armed by winding up spring that powers the whirling dispenser.
    Triggered by pushing button on side; delays one phase before
    spitting out caltrops.  Winds down after 2 full rounds.
    Caltrops slow movement or risk damage.
    Prep roll: 7 successes
    Build/install: 8 successes