3,085 asters Balance

-550Spending on Military Stuff2783.74
-50Horse rental2782.323
-9500Computer security system2782.319
-600Hippocrates chip replacements2782.319
-8000Plasma Bomb Ingredients2782.319
-1000Hospital Storage for groupmind2782.319
-25010 gas masks2782.317
-50van waiting2782.317
-350Tourist Visas2782.317
-750Upcaste to attack2782.317
-1500Gang of Mooks on the Well (Max bought half)2782.317
+10,000Medical Tech royalties from Transmedical Sciences (Blue)2782.280
-40Slip for Dancer2782.265
-500Experimental Chips2782.259
-50Replacement Cameras2782.247
-45Van Rental2782.247
-20Anti-radiation medicine2782.236
-100Truck rental on Crux2782.189
+1000Maintenance for two new Elite2782.189
+400Transporting Phil to Bastion2782.020
-500Processor for Scout Manual Prototype2781.319
+9600Selling Red war bonds2781.319
-300Hair and clothes for Klothos party2781.316
+4000From Blue Transmedical Sciences2781.308
-100Solicitor Cyprus consultation2781.308
+2000Business Tip Loot from Sundown2781.300
-400Robot First Aid Kits2781.294
-2000Brig Refit2781.294
-400Replacement for Landing Gear2781.294
-45Tinoori Alchemical Supplies2781.264
-45Van Rental2781.194
-80Supplies for Eva's memorial service2781.186
-50Crate of blasters2781.147
-1200Scientific Containment Device for the Star2781.147
+25Left over from shopping on the Well2781.137
+1500From Citizen Claria on the Well2781.137
+2000Blue reward on Juice2781.131
+600Donation by Ciernan2781.131
-250Boat Rental2781.130
-50Bribe to Klothos' Herald2781.128
+50Mail running2781.127
-500Giovanni: Art Consultant2781.125
-50Bar of platinum for Klothos bribe2781.125
+75Delivering Mail2781.104
-45Rent of Van2781.090
+200040 antique asters sold2781.083
-720Hippocrates Repair2781.083
+1000Put in by Max2781.083
+600Pierogi Trade Goods2781.083
+4000Blue medical payment2781.083
-50Limousine, two nights2781.081
-1500Biometric Hand Print Scanners2781.078
-15Rental of Illicit Back Room on Nurl2781.073
-45Van rental with extra insurance2781.058
-10000Ship overhaul2781.057
+5700Boy Scout transport fees2781.048
-20Van Rental, Crux2781.037
-250Funeral for Dorotha Olivarri2781.010
+1700Lendt Trade Goods2780.355
-210Salary for Akito and Ruthie2780.355
-1000Lendt Trade Goods2780.355
-1500Creek Transports2780.355
+25Mail Run2780.346
-300Parts for Engines2780.343
-110Medical restocking2780.343
-4,500Maury parts for portable Kaufman tube2780.330
-5,000Maury parts for Santa Maria2780.330
+23,283Deposited after Gambling2780.321
-20,000Borrowed for Gambling2780.321
+20,000Race Winnings2780.319
-3000Upcaste Juliana2780.319
-500Upcaste on the Well2780.319
-350Tourist Visas2780.319
-500Tricorder for Max2780.300
+620Bet with pirates2780.283
-15Lab rental2780.283
-1000Payment to stepchild2780.283
+10,000Remainder of Hegemite Bribe repaid, New Light2780.283
-200Scooter rental with extra insurance for wedding, New Light2780.283
-180Deathtrap Test and repairs, Crux2780.255
-10Van rental, Crux2780.255
+5,000Partial Hegemite Bribe Repayment2780.243
-18,000to Memento Mori, Stannis judgment2780.233
-15,000to Franklin DeWitt for Blue Hegemite info2780.227
-50Rental van, Stannis Law2780.226
-3602x Explosive and sensor suite, 1 boat2780.158
+10,500Max acquires Omega symbol for Kels Rouche2780.154
-6903x Explosive and sensor suite2780.135
-230Explosive and sensor suite2780.128
+500Mystery Package to Crux2780.125
-15,000Diluvian Scooter2780.105
-250North Pole equipment2780.104
-150Three plasma spheres2780.092
-230Explosive and sensor suite2780.092
-230Explosive and sensor suite2780.088
-150Theater tickets2780.088
-45Van rental with extra insurance2780.088
-150Two neural disruptors2780.71
-300Ruehan and Maury go to the well (+2 tourist visas)2780.71
-25Cab to Hippocrates from capital2780.68
-10Van rental2780.65
-800More knockout grenades2780.41
+400Money from Eva2780.41
-8000Salary: Hippocrates, Janzur, Sophia, Jim, Cassandra, Kye, Max, Eva, Sharra, Ace, Maury, Katya, Anya, Jayla, Ruehan, Wilson, Martan, Mirris, Night Blooming Wistera, and Moment Before Dawn. (20 x 400) 2780.041
-5Rabbit costumes2780.030
-1000Destructive Testing lab on the Well2780.029
-150New exterior paint job. Looks great!2780.029
-3490Big Shopping Trip2780.028
-100Burial of Commodore DunWarwick2780.028
-50Joyous Gard passes during Rebellion2780.023
RESETThe party lost its cash and then got a lot more. It had 59,300 at the end of Sayonara Sook.2780.023
-20Hotel rooms on Stannis Law2779.258
-250Third North Pole Expedition: Boat and SwimStuff2779.243
+150Memento Mori Experiment Fee (Gateway)2779.238
-100Fake IDs (Gateway)2779.237
+500Licensing heal-patch to Transmedical Sciences (Blue Hegemony)2779.216
-200Android Bellarion Face2779.197
-50Tinoori Alchemical Restock2779.196
-50More Joyous Gard (wedding)2779.195
-3Jotha washes the ship2779.193
-50Joyous Gard Tickets2779.193
-300Tourist Visas on the Well2779.193
-1250Prisoner Redemption from the Brochoah2779.189
-100Ace's fine on Nurl2779.187
-75Scanning Brochoah2779.187
-5Copying Fee on Nurl2779.187
-70Magnetron for EM Tractor Beam2779.183
+500Licensing heal-patch to BioSyn Amalgamated (Red Hegemony)2779.183
-250Second North Pole Expedition: Boat and SwimStuff2779.143
-150Boat Rental on Juice (Eva)2779.143
-50James Bond Swimming Stuff Rental2779.138
-450Boat Rental on Juice2779.138
+75Mail Delivery2779.126
-250Van Repair Parts2779.106
+400Nonesuch Mail Delivery2779.104
-4000Parts for upgrading the Dancer to reliability 22779.94
+2000Licensing of medpatch tech from Spagnall-Forbridge2779.94
+25From Eva2779.85
+1200Elmer Triconian pays back his IOU2779.66
+2400Sale of Pirate Ship on Crux2779.66
+50Putting Back, Jayla2778.255
+200Putting Back, Eva2778.255
-4000Money for Crew, Eva2778.255
-600Vacuum Wickets hires two psis2778.255
+100Eva won on Highguard2778.255
+655Returned from going to the Well, Jayla/Janzur2778.255
-1000Borrowed to take to the Well, Jayla/Janzur2778.255
-2500a mainframe-quality machine to run AI2778.239
-1500 to set up research program to remove paingivers       2778.228
-1200 for biohazard suits and equiment2778.216
-600 for Sundown permits 2778.216
-450 for legal databases (Max)2778.216
+6000 from Red researchers2778.210
+6000 from Blue researchers2778.210
+3700 more from Omninet2778.210
+500 from Stannis Law for jumpgate data2778.174
-50 for EMP bomb2778.189
-750 for temp. upcasting on the Well2778.189
-375for tourist visas on the Well. 2778.189
-120for radiation suits2778.174
-200 for ninja toys2778.148
+3000 from OmniNet2778.140ish
+800 from Liam Fairchild 2778.128
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