2779.093 Hello everyone, For those crew who were in the Kaufmen tubes during the past few days, I would like to inform you that the Hippocrates just participated in the Battle for Sparta against the Decider fleet. The Hippocrates, with a fighter escort of seven, not only held the jumpgate against a Decider task force, but destroyed their capital (yellow-line) ship and 34 of the 40 redliners. Our only casualties were the five crewmembers of The Bootstrap, who suffered brain damage after taking a direct hit from the mothership's yellow line weapon. Maury's redliner defense worked so well, that the Hippocrates himself never suffered any effects of the redline weapons, despite taking three direct hits. Besides myself and Hippocrates, present for the battle were Ace (helm), Max Sinclair (sensors), Ruehan V'Dalari (port cannon), Sharra Wade (starboard cannon), Sook (forward cannon), and Wilson (damage control). Sook scored the first hit on the Decider mother ship. Max's ECM and sensor work allowed all the gunners to get more solid hits throughout the engagement. Ace's excellent piloting prevented us from taking more than three hits from redline weapons. Immediately following our destruction of one capital ship at the jumpgate, the main outworld fleet was able to destroy a second one around Sparta. At this pointing, having suffered the loss of one third of their capital fleet, the Decider fleet retreated. The loss of life on Sparta itself was approximately 15%. Nonetheless the battle is being regarded as a great success. Please congratulate your crew members on a job well done. Eva |