Character Notes (Season 3)
- 2780.019: Eva's computer files start reappearing within a few hours
of the escape from the space dock.
- 2780.023: The rest of Eva's files other than pictures, have returned.
- 2780.027-030: Eva keeps herself busier than usual.
- 2780.042: Eva comes back from the shopping trip with a haircut and
red highlights in her hair. She's been reading a new book that she
bought on The Well.
- 2780.043-60: The periodic unarmed combat lessons with Janzur
continue. Eva's also been watching vids late at night with Mirris.
- 2780.060: On the way from Vircus to Sundown, Eva gives everyone
Winterfair gifts again. The Tinoori
help by making dinner.
- 2780.067: Eva comes back from Blake's mansion, burned and very very
unconscious, having been flattened by Donella's bitey shields.
Hippocrates deposits her in sickbay.
- 2780.071: Eva wakes up a little bruised and with a headache. Upon
waking she talks to Katya & Mirris, the Tinoori, and Jayla, and then
with all three of Jayla, Janzur & Hippocrates. She's a little more
reserved than usual, or perhaps she's just tired.
- 2780.072: Eva starts having regular meetings with the Tinoori. Eva
also starts meeting with Jayla every morning.
- 2780.073-5: Eva runs a number of errands off ship.
- 2780.160: Eva is still spending time with Jayla every morning.
- 2780.228: After a lot of inquires and communication with home, Eva
heads back to Highguard and asks people to catch up with her there.
- 2780.241: Eva spends the whole time as Shoshana, mostly staying
with her family. She seems vaguely uncomfortable about something.
- 2780.275: Eva has seemed a little unhappy for the past few weeks.
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