Intution: The Fate of the Strategos
2779.28 -- considering the question of what happened to the Strategos and
where his body might be:
- Ambros Gabriel Nomarche became Strategos in 2423.
- The Chief of Military Operations was dismissed by the Strategos in 2430.
- In 2439 the Strategos demanded that the Bastion government turn over the
crews of the ships involved in the joint military exercises in the Bastion
system in 2439.196 for investigation/prosecution.
- The Vircus jumpgates were put into secure mode by supporters of the
Strategos in 2448.202. A small following of the Strategos persisted in the
Vircus system until the present time.
- Margot Bellarion is a a hero on Riden for "remaining loyal to her
Strategos" during the conflict in the inworlds.
- The box to allow resetting of the jumpgate passwords was left at Base Omega
in the Spartan system. It requires the Strategos's DNA to operate.
- A Nomarche family shuttle was also left at Base Omega, where is had
journeyed from Ridena.
He almost certainly did not survive the war. On the other hand, his death
wasn't a historic event, or at least not a known historic event. Thus, he was
not killed by any "named" supporter of the Hegemon, or the outworlds, and his
body was not recovered (or recoverable) afterwards.
The possibilities that seem likely are that he was killed in secret by people
ostensibly loyal to him, that he killed himself, that he died in such a way that
his body was destroyed, or that he was killed by people who didn't know who he
really was. Your sense is that none of these is the whole story, but that there
are elements of all of them involved.
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