2779.122 Dear Crew Members, It has come to my attention that some members of the crew believe that the psi-active drug which Klothos gave to Katya, namely Glitter, has no ill effects. This, sadly, is not true. Glitter is physically & psychologically addictive, and I cannot stress enough the danger of using it even once. As a result of her own limited use of the drug, our Katya is suffering from an addiction to Glitter. While she would doubtless have preferred not to publicize this, she has asked me to tell the crew now so as to prevent anyone else from succumbing. Treat this information as one of our secrets. Please understand this is a difficult admission for Katya (and no doubt would be for any of us). She has been working, with the help of some of her friends, since shortly after our last visit to Pierogi to break herself of the addiction, which at this point is primarily psychological as the Kaufmen nanites have cleared the Glitter nanites from her system. It may be that some of you have specific expertise that we may need to call upon. Until such time, I would ask your patience in this most personal matter and your tolerence of a certain amount of short temperedness on Katya's part. Katya and I trust that, forewarned, no one else will fall prey to this drug. For those who are curious, I will post a summary of our knowledge of glitter in the public computer files shortly. Yours, |