Attendants: Perfect Description (Tinoori from Cabry), Kith, Ruehan, Sharra, Spruinz Puce: 3 on-board Tinoori, the Attendant-Tinoori, piles of NPC Tinoori; much of fortune group will go with them when the groups split (see below) Blue (fortune): (Blue and Puce groups are together when PP rolls happen, then split up for the remainder of the ritual. The Star, and thus the Attendants, have to go with Puce; Kith should go with Puce to heal FFA, and Jim should go with Puce as Tinoori-diplomat.) Donella's group after the split: Ace, Sophia, Hippocrates? (probably wants to be not-green, to be involved in transport from Gateway. ) Add Kye Tinoori group after the split: Kith, Jim, Sharra, Ruehan, Twig Green (strength): Katya, Akito, Ciernan (could swap with Max, or we might want both of them in Red as that's where we're light right now)), Martan Add Mirris and Max **note: people who can hope to defend the bowl with psi are Katya, Martan, Ciernan, Eon&Ella, possibly Max (hiding); we have a couple of fire/sheildy NPCs. Ask Mirris? Red (precision): ***New: no PCs to Juice, says Jayla*** Jayla (Named) NPCs we have, not currently assigned: Cassandra, Stormbreaker (probably Green), Eon&Ella + Captain (probably Green), Janzur, Corwin/Dierdre/Gerard (leave them with the hegemons they're with?), Clelerius, Kattan Quintero, Vertaki Architect (Red?), Elmer Triconian (Blue if anything), Tiercel. Bulk NPCs: we're covered now