There's a "par" policy on eps and skill points so people who have fallen behind won't stay forever behind. Karma points are the cookie you get for being at a run, and don't get caught up on.
Things that karma points can do:
1 | one-shot replenishment of your fortune die pool |
1 | +1 speed |
1 | roll own poor roll over |
1 | more than double your stat with fortune or a buff |
1 | bring a difficulty below 5 with a buff |
1 | After rolling speed but before the turn starts, you may reroll one die until it comes up as a number that you're not already moving in. |
1 | add one success to a roll for 7s |
1 | add one difficulty to the above rule |
2 | roll own catastrophic roll over (i.e. a fumble or awryage, if you have those) |
2 | Move a later action to now, or take your current action out of stat. (Yes, this is what burning a future action also does; it's not worth it unless you're out of actions). |
2 | After rolling speed but before the turn starts, you may pick up one die and put it down as some other number. Yes, you can create a Yahtzee with this. |
3+ | "Wow. You try to do what?" (3 is Quite Unlikely. 5 is Seriously Implausible. 7 is Wildly Impossible. And it has to be in concept.) |